Alphabetical Check-List of Sigla 1. Introduction: Method of Investigation QUINTUS CURTIUS RUFUS 2. The Extant Manuscripts and Incunables 2.1. General 2.2. Manuscripts that do not consist of excerpts 2.3.
Manuscripts containing excerpts 2.4. Lost or unidentified manuscripts 2.5. Incunabular editions 2.6. Sigla 2.7.
Portions collated 3. The Progress of Scholarship 4. Curtius in Northern Europe in the Middle Ages: The Primary Witnesses 4.1. General 4.2. Ω 4.3.
Π4.4. Σ 4.5. D 4.6. S 4.7.
The Florilegium Angelicum 5. Curtius in Northern Europe in the Middle Ages: The Family of B 6. The Italian Tradition: Br's Family 6.1. General 6.2. Br and A 6.3.
A, Petrarch, and Br s family: the problem 6.4. *a 6.5. Other descendants of Br 7. The Italian Tradition: Descendants of Q 8. The Italian Tradition: *d 8.1.
General 8.2. The errors of *d 8.3. *d(a) 8.4. *d(b) 8.5.
*d(a), *d(b)(i), and the family of Pg in book 10 8.6. *d(c) 8.7. *d(d) 8.8. *d(c) and (d) and *a in 3.1 4.
2 8.9. *d(c) in books 5 and 6 8.10. Vx and Wk 8.11. The origin of *d 9. The Italian Tradition: Descendants of C 9.
1. Introduction 9.2. The beginning of the text 9.3. The middle of the text 9.4. The end of the text 10.
The Italian Tradition: The Edition of Vindelinus de Spira and its Progeny 11. The Shape of the Textual Tradition of Curtius 11.1. The extant manuscripts in overview 11.2. Curtius in mediaeval lists and catalogues 11.3. Curtius and mediaeval authors 12.
Consequences for Editors of Curtius 13. End-Notes to Curtius 13.1. Lost or unidentified manuscripts 13.2. The poem Armipotentis Alexandri 13.3. Interpolations from Justin DICTYS CRETENSIS 14.
The Witnesses 14.1. Extant manuscripts 14.2. Lost manuscript 14.3. Paraphrase 14.4.
Excerpts not found at end of text of Dares 14.5. Quotations 14.6. Incunabular editions 14.7. Sigla 14.8.
Portions collated 15. The Progress of Scholarship 16. The Epistle and the Prologue 17. The Codex Aesinas 18. The Family Î 18.1. The wider family 18.2.
G, its descendants, and close relatives 18.3. β 18.4. Hy 19. The Family of E 19.1. Earlier treatments 19.
2. E's uncorrected errors 19.3. Î 19.4. N and its descendants 19.5. Ec and the descendants of E 19.
6. D[HaTo] 19.7. Vo 19.8. The family of E at the end of the text 19.9. The family of E at the beginning of the text 20.
Manuscripts Known Only from Catalogue Entries 21. The Shape of the Tradition: Dictys in the Middle Ages 22. The Archetype 23. Editing Dictys 24. Excerpts of Dictys in Manuscripts of Dares 25. End-Notes to Dictys 25.1. Enoch of Ascoli and the codex Aesinas 25.
2. The opening of the epistle 25.3. The family of G/Ga in Dares.