Gilbert O'Sullivan, born Raymond Edward O'Sullivan on 1st December 1946, Cork Road, Waterford, Ireland, is a singer songwriter, pianist, best known for his early '70s hits 'Alone Again (Naturally)', Clair", and Get Down. Gilbert has had 16 top-40 records worldwide, including 6 chart-topping songs, the first of which, Nothing Rhymed, was released in 1970, having recorded 19 studio albums, up to his UK top 20 eponymous L.P. during 2018. O'Sullivan said in 2009, "I write pop songs. That's all I want to do. I have no interest in just touring, and living in the past". The music magazine Record Mirror voted him the top UK male singer of 1972, Gilbert having received 3 Ivor Novello Awards, including Songwriter of the Year during 1973.
Gilbert O'Sullivan : Alone Again