Publisher''s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Build the critical thinking capabilities essential to your success with this captivating, case-based approach. Maternity, Newborn, and Women''s Health Nursing: A Case-Based Approach brings the realities of nursing practice to life and helps you acquire the understanding and clinical reasoning skills to ensure effective patient-centered care. This innovative text immerses you in realistic, case-based narratives that help you experience maternity, newborn, and women''s health nursing concepts from the patient''s perspective and confidently prepare for your clinical rotations. Accompanying units leverage these patient stories to enrich your understanding of key concepts and reinforce their clinical relevance, giving you unparalleled preparation for the challenges you''ll face in your nursing career. -Powerfully written case-based patient scenarios instill a clinically relevant understanding of essential concepts to prepare you for clinicals. -Nurse''s Point of View sections in Unit 1 help you recognize the nursing considerations and challenges related to patient-based scenarios. -Step-by-Step Skills tutorials clarify common procedures.
-Unfolding Patient Stories, written by the National League for Nursing, foster meaningful reflection on commonly encountered clinical scenarios -Analyze the Evidence callouts present conflicting research to hone your critical thinking capabilities. -Patient Teaching boxes highlight important information to communicate to patients. -Lab Values help you recognize the significance of out-of-range values and make appropriate nursing interventions. -The Pharmacy features detail essential pharmaceutical information at a glance. -Interactive learning resources, including Practice & Learn Case Studies and Watch & Learn Videos, reinforce skills and challenge you to apply what you''ve learned. -Learning Objectives and bolded Key Terms help you maximize your study time. -Think Critically questions instill the clinical reasoning and analytical skills essential to safe patient-centered practice. -Suggested Readings point you to further research for more information and clinical guidance.
FEATURES: -Learning Objectives & Key Terms: At the beginning of each chapter. -Nursing Care Plans: One care plan at the end of each chapter in an easy to follow table. -Pop Quiz: Analyzing for accuracy and plausibility maternal and newborn plot points in books, movies, and television, which are often inaccurate and absurd but sometimes illuminating. -Analyze the Evidence: Comparisons of conflicting research and research that contradicts common practice. -Step-by-Step Skills: Maternity and newborn skills listed in easy-to-follow format with rationales. -Decision Trees: Visual representations making complicated decision making clearer. -Patient Teaching: It can be difficult for students to embrace the teaching that comes with nursing. This feature will serve as a practical tool for student nurses who are learning to teach.
-Assessment Guides: Quick at-a-glance guides that explain what is being gained by performing a particular assessment at that particular time, the implications of an assessment, and appropriate interventions. -Patient Safety: Important patient safety content nurses must be aware of when caring for patients. -Lab Values: Normal and out-of-range lab values and nursing interventions. -Cultural Competence: Cultural competence becomes ever more important as our patient populations become more diverse. Cultural competence doesn''t mean a comprehensive knowledge of all cultures but rather a compassionate recognition and acceptance of a variety of health beliefs and practices. By highlighting these variations we begin to build student awareness and inclusivity. -Whose Job is it Anyway?: Identifies the roles of different members of the care team. Allows students to begin to identify why different team members might be present and what their responsibilities are.
-The Pharmacy: Must-know pharmaceutical information. -Complementary Medicine: Details common complementary interventions, including herbs, acupuncture, acupressure, etc. -Checking In: Presents clusters of three or four critical thinking questions related to the patient and her care at that point in time. -Just in Time Testing: At the end of each chapter. Short answer and typically multi-part questions rather than multiple choice, requiring a student to apply more thought and to synthesize information. Answers available on thePoint.