Contents: Terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction: how serious is the threat?, Andrew O'Neil ; Hypothetical integrative medical strategies for the prevention and treatment of bio-terrorism incidents, Jeffrey L. Anderson, Eric Gordon, Stephen A. Levine, Roger Morrison and Michael E. Rosenbaum ; Globalization meets Frankenstein? Reflections on terrorism, nuclearity, and global technopolitical discourse, Gabrielle Hecht; Challenges associated with creating a pharmaceutical stockpile to respond to a terrorist event, R. Havlak, S.E. Gorman and S.A.
Adams; Biological weapons and bioterrorism preparedness: importance of public-health awareness and international cooperation, R. Roffrey, K. Lantorp, A Tegnell and F. Elgh; Terrorists, WMD and the US army reserve, Charles L. Mercier Jr; Defusing nuclear terror, Jeffrey Richelson; Keeping track of anthrax: the case of a biosecurity convention, Michael Barletta, Amy Sands and Jonathan B. Tucker; Confronting nuclear, biological and chemical terrorism, Richard A. Falkenrath; Biological terrorism and public health, Christopher F. Chyba; Smallpox: a potential agent of bioterrorism, Richard J.
Whitley; The prospect of nuclear and biological terrorism, Joseph W. Foxell Jr; Report of the CIMERC*/Drexel University emergency department terrorism preparedness consensus panel, Michael I. Greenberg and Robert G. Hendrickson; Trends in bioterrorism: 2 generations of potential weapons, Joseph W. Foxell Jr; Audience and message: assessing terrorist WMD potential, Daniel S. Gressand IV; Responding to chemical, biological, or nuclear terrorism: the indirect and long-term health effects may present the biggest challenge, Kenneth C. Hyams, Frances M. Murphy and Simon Wessely; Chemical warfare and chemical terrorism: psychological and performance outcomes, James A.
Romano Jr and James M. King; Redefining NATO's mission: WMD terrorism, Richard G. Lugar; The threat of biological terrorism in the new millennium, Steven Kuhr and Jerome M. Hauer; Bioethics after the terror, Jonathan D. Moreno); Dimensions of biological terrorism: to what must we mitigate and respond? Henry W. Fischer III; Mitigation and response planning in a bio-terrorist attack, Henry W. Fischer III; WMD terrorism: an exchange, Karl-Heinz Kamp, Joseph F. Pilat, Jessica Stern and Richard A.
Falkenrath; The threat of nuclear terrorism. Jack Harris; A perspective: risk analysis as a tool for reducing the risks of terrorism, Paul F. Deisler Jr; Nuclear terrorism and warhead control in Russia, Jon B. Wolfsthal and Tom Z. Collina; A new vigilance: identifying and reducing the risks of environmental terrorism, Elizabeth L. Chalecki; When terror strikes, who should respond?, Aaron Weiss; Epilegomena to a silence; nuclear weapons, terrorism and the moment of concern, Achilles Skordas; Name index.