List of Contributors Foreword Reed F. Noss Preface Introduction Christopher A. Lepczyk, Owen D. Boyle, and Timothy L. V. Vargo PART I Background 1 What Is Citizen Science? Jennifer L. Shirk and Rick Bonney 2 The History of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation Abraham J. Miller-Rushing, Richard B.
Primack, Rick Bonney, and Emma Albee 3 Current Approaches to Citizen Science Finn Danielsen, Teis Adrian, Per Moestrup Jensen, Jesus Muñoz, Jennifer L. Shirk, and Neil D. Burgess PART II Planning and Implementation of Citizen Science Projects 4 Project Planning and Design John C. Tweddle, Helen E. Roy, Lucy D. Robinson, and Michael J. O. Pocock 5 Legal, Ethical, and Policy Considerations Anne Bowser, Andrea Wiggins, and Elizabeth Tyson 6 Recruitment and Building the Team Michelle D.
Prysby 7 Retaining Citizen Scientists Rachel Goad, Susanne Masi, and Pati Vitt 8 Training 99 Heidi L. Ballard and Emily M. Harris 9 Collecting High-Quality Data Alycia W. Crall, David Mellor, Steven Gray, and Gregory Newman 10 Data Management and Visualization Gregory Newman, Sarah Newman, Russell Scarpino, Nicole Kaplan, Alycia W. Crall, and Stacy Lynn 11 Reporting Citizen Science Findings Eva J. Lewandowski and Karen Oberhauser 12 Program Evaluation Rebecca Jordan, Amanda Sorensen, and Steven Gray 13 How Participation in Citizen Science Projects Impacts Individuals Rebecca Christoffel PART III Citizen Science in Practice 14 From Tiny Acorns Grow Mighty Oaks: What We Have Learned from Nurturing Nature's Notebook Theresa M. Crimmins, LoriAnne Barnett, Ellen G. Denny, Alyssa H.
Rosemartin, Sara N. Schaffer, and Jake F. Weltzin 15 Citizen Science at the Urban Ecology Center: A Neighborhood Collaboration Jennifer Callaghan, Beth Fetterley Heller, Anne Reis-Boyle, Jessica L. Orlando, and Timothy L. V. Vargo 16 Driven to Discover: A Case Study of Citizen Science as a Springboard to Science Learning Andrea Lorek Strauss, Karen Oberhauser, Nathan J. Meyer, and Pamela Larson Nippolt 17 Challenges of Forest Citizen Involvement in Biodiversity Monitoring in Protected Areas of Brazilian Amazonia Pedro de Araujo Lima Constantino 18 Documenting the Changing Louisiana Wetlands through Community-Driven Citizen Science Shannon Dosemagen and Scott Eustis 19 Reef Check California: Scuba-Diving Citizen Scientists Monitor Rocky Reef Ecosystems Jan Freiwald and Andrew Beahrs References Index.