"Being a dad, this is the type of story that I would really want to share with my child." -- Baseball Hall-of-Famer Reggie Jackson "I was moved by The Boy of Steel. As a cancer survivor, I know the fear that cancer patients experience." -- Darryl Strawberry "I encourage all parents to read The Boy of Steel to their kids. It will promote awareness of cancer." -- Jim Thome, Chicago White Sox, who lost his mother to cancer in December 2004 "A clear, concise, compelling account of real mental toughness in a young child . A necessary addition to elementary school libraries." -- Dr.
Charlie Maher, Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University and team psychologist for the Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Cavaliers ". powerful messages ranging from mental toughness to teamwork . engaging . promotes interaction between parents and children." -- Don Kalkstein, sports psychologist for the Texas Rangers and Dallas Mavericks "The Boy of Steel is moving and smart, a triumph." -- Jeremy Schaap, ESPN, author of Cinderella Man "Extremely inspirational. Kids . will get the courage to do anything that they want in life.
" -- Hideki Matsui, New York Yankees "To call The Boy of Steel 'heartwarming and inspirational' is an understatement for this wonderful book." -- Carvin Winans of the gospel singing group The Winans "Masterfully walks a tightrope between fantasy and reality, teaching hard lessons about illness while simultaneously entertaining . a must-read." -- Ken Davidoff, national baseball writer, Newsday.