RESPONSE, PREPAREDNESS AND PLANNING. History and Importance of Disaster Management and Response. Emergency Response, Disasters, Hazards and Response in Context. Policy, Politics and Procedures. Developing a Operational Response Plan: Brief guides for Households, Organizations and Communities. Warning and Protective Action. IMPLEMENTATION OF RESPONSE. Management Approaches to Disasters: Command and Control, Incident Command, and Flexible, Emergent Models.
Individual and Household Response. Organizational and Community Response to Disaster. Volunteers and Volunteer Organizations in Response. Private Sector Response. Local, State and Federal Operations and Communications. Disaster Psychology and Behavior. Vulnerable and Special Needs Populations during Response. THE FINAL STEPS OF RESPONSE.
In the Aftermath of Response: Response versus Immediate Recovery Efforts and Transition to Recovery. Tying Response to Planning, Mitigation and Recovery. The Future of Disasters and Response.