Mr. Naylor is a veteran of the United States Army, completing his military commitment as a Staff Sergeant. During his tenure as a soldier, Mr. Naylor experienced his first teaching assignment, which involved instructing R.O.T.C. candidates in training.
After completing his military commitment, he returned to college to pursue an Associate's degree. Mr. Naylor continued to expand his educational goals in higher education and received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1989. In 1994, David received a Master of Arts with distinction in Communication Arts, where he graduated with a grade point average of 3.87.David has worked in radio, television, and print media. As a producer and announcer of talk radio, Mr. Naylor worked at the world famous Apollo Theater in Harlem, NY.
In addition, he worked as a news reporter and has written or co-written over forty news stories for a major newspaper.He is the recipient of numerous awards including Educator of the Year, Salesman of the Year, Outstanding Young American, Merit Achievement, Crystal Apple Award, and was nominated for International Who's Who, just to mention some of his awards.Mr. Naylor has successfully passed the tests required to become a Microsoft Certified Professional, Certified Novell Administrator, and is A+ certified.As a motivational speaker David delivered the keynote speech for the 2004 graduating classes at Briarcliffe College and Branford Hall Career Institute.He is an Author, Assistant Professor, Technology Trainer, Interview Coach, Resume Expert, Time Management Specialist, Budget Analyst, Organizational Wizard, Presentation Specialist and Solution Provider, that promotes self-awareness and self-improvement.