Land Law and the Extractive Industries : Challenges and Opportunities in Africa
Land Law and the Extractive Industries : Challenges and Opportunities in Africa
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Author(s): Nalule, Victoria R.
ISBN No.: 9781509952755
Pages: 256
Year: 202303
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 73.67
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

1. Introduction to Land Law and Extractives in Africa I. Introduction A. The Origin of Land Injustices in Africa Summarised B. A Snapshot of Land Access II. Ownership and Control of the Extractive Resources A. Ownership under National Law B. Sovereignty Over Natural Resources under International Law III.

Legal and Regulatory Frameworks Governing the Extractive Industries A. Role of International Law B. Role of Regional Energy Laws C. Snapshot of Mining Laws and Regulations in Africa D. Snapshot of Energy Laws and Regulations in Africa IV. Nexus between Land Access and Extractives A. The African Extractives Industry: Highlighting the Land Issues B. Snapshot of the Impacts of Extractives on Land Use V.

Structure of the Book VI. Conclusion 2. Land Law Reforms in Africa and their Impact on the Extractive Industries I. Introduction to Land Law A. The Nature of Land Law B. Common Terms in Land Law C. Conceptual Framework II. Land Law Reforms and their Impact on the Extractive Industries: Case Studies A.

Land Law Reforms in Tanzania B. Land Law Reforms in South Africa C. Land Law Reforms in Uganda D. Land Law Reforms in Rwanda E. Other Case Studies Explored: Land Reforms in Kenya III. Environmental Impacts Associated with extractives and Land Access IV. Conclusion 3. Land Access from the Perspective of the African Mining Sector I.

Introduction to Mining in Africa 1 A. Snapshot of the Mining Industry B. Mining in Africa C. Brief about Mineral Reserves and Production D. Influence of History on the African Mining Sector E. Importance of Minerals: The Rising Role of Critical Minerals II. Land Access from the Perspective of Large-Scale Mining A. Key Stages of Mineral Extraction B.

Linkages in the Mining Sector C. Licensing for LSM Companies III. Land Access from the Perspective of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining IV. Gender Justice in the Mining Sector V. Mining Disputes and Land Access A. Mining Disputes and Conflicts Related to Land Use B. Other Mining Disputes: Arbitration Cases Explored VI. Conclusion 4.

Land Access from the Perspective of the Energy Sector I. Introduction to Energy Law A. The Nature of Energy Law B. Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 13 as Drivers of New Energy Law Development C. Influence of Regionalism and Globalism in Energy Law II. Petroleum Projects and Land Access A. Types of Fossil Fuels B. Energy Infrastructure and Related Land Issues III.

Renewable Energy Projects and Land Access A. Sources of Renewable Energy B. Advantages and Challenges of Renewable Energy C. Energy Efficiency in SSA D. Low-Carbon Energy Infrastructure IV. Energy Disputes Related to Land A. Negotiating Petroleum Projects: Dispute Resolution B. Types of Petroleum Agreements C.

Stabilisation Clauses in Petroleum Agreements D. Other Avenues for Protecting Energy Investments E. Petroleum Taxation V. Conclusion 5. Conclusion: Pertinent Issues in the African Extractive Industries I. Social Licence to Operate (SLO), Extractives and Land Access II. Local Content, Extractives and Land Access A. Meaning and Nature of Local Content B.

Why are African Countries Advocating for Local Content? C. Arguments against Local Content D. Legal Provisions for Local Content III. Regionalism, Extractives and Land Access A. Regionalism versus Isolationism B. Regionalism versus Globalism/Multilateralism IV. Concluding Remarks and Recommendations.

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