CHAPTER 1 Introduction: Regionalism and Energy Access in Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter one discusses the evolution of regionalism and the notion of regional cooperation and energy access in SSA. It also highlights the existing international initiatives to tackle the plight of energy access in SSA. In this chapter, the different forms of regional cooperation mechanisms are discussed and distinctions are determined from existing mechanisms. The chapter also highlights failed previous attempts by the various SSA regional organisations such as EAC to achieve regional integration and if the same mistakes are likely to affect the ongoing integration process and regional efforts to tackle energy access. This chapter also helps in illustrating the different regional cooperation mechanisms that will be the focus of this book and how these can be evaluated. Chapter 2: SSA Energy Challenges In the second chapter, the SSA energy challenges are explored, and an analysis of how these could be handled at the regional level is discussed. This chapter will focus on examining regional cooperation employed by EAC, SADC and ECOWAS in the development of regional energy infrastructure as one of the mechanisms of addressing energy access challenges in SSA. Chapter 3: The Role of Regional Co-operation The third chapter looks at the role of regional cooperation in the development of renewable energy as a means of tackling both energy access and climate change.
This chapter specifically examines the nexus between energy access, renewable energy and climate change. In this regard, existing renewable energy regional mechanisms in SSA are discussed. Further, the Paris Agreement as a global instrument in response to climate change is examined to ascertain if its provisions provide room for regional efforts to tackle climate change and energy access in SSA. Chapter 4: Regional efforts to harmonise energy regulation The fourth chapter examines regional efforts to harmonise energy regulation. Here, a comparative analysis is employed to discuss regional regulatory authorities in EAC, SADC and ECOWAS. Moreover, given the fact that most SSA countries and regional organizations face similar energy challenges, the chapter will look at the experience of the European Union (EU) and how EU regional efforts in harmonizing energy regulations can be of relevance and provide lessons to SSA regional organizations. Chapter 5: Conclusion The last chapter sets out the concluding remarks, answering the questions raised and providing recommendations for policy makers and other relevant stakeholders.