Women and the Economy: a Reader : A Reader
Women and the Economy: a Reader : A Reader
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Author(s): Mutari, Ellen
ISBN No.: 9780765609960
Pages: 368
Year: 200305
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 62.38
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

List of Tables and Figures; Preface; Section 1. Methodologies for Studying Women and the Economy; Introduction; 1. Rethinking Economics Through a Feminist Lens Myra H. Strober; 2. Revisiting Class: Thinking from Gender, Race, and Organizations Joan Acker; 3. Feminist Economics: From Theory to Research Martha MacDonald; Key Terms; Discussion Questions; Exercise; Further Reading; Section 2. The Rise and Fall of Separate Spheres; Introduction; 4. Breadwinners and Other Workers: Gender and Race-Ethnicity in the Evolution of the Labor Force Deborah M.

Figart, Ellen Mutari, and Marilyn Power; 5. Industrialization, Female Labor Force Participation, and the Modern Division of Labor b Sex William Rau and Robert Wazienski; 6. Men and Monotony: Fraternalism as a Managerial Strategy at the Ford Motor Company Wayne A. Lewchuk; 7. Exploring the Present Through the Past: Career and Family Across the Last Century Claudia Goldin; 8. Marriage, Children, and Womens Employment: What Do We Know? Philip N. Cohen and Suzanne M. Bianchi; Key Terms; Discussion Questions; Exercises; Further Reading; Section 3.

Households and Social Reproduction; Introduction; 9. The Economic Risks of Being a Housewife Barbara R. Bergmann; 10. For Love or Money-Or Both? Nancy Folbre and Julie A. Nelson; 11. Student Attitudes Toward Roles of Women and Men: Is the Egalitarian Household Imminent? Marianne A. Ferber and Lauren Young; 12. The Household as a Focus for Research Jane Wheelock and Elizabeth Oughton; Key Terms; Discussion Questions; Exercises.

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