Notable features of the entire Culture Shock! line of titles: - A comprehensive source of detailed information about more than seventy travel destinations- Written by individuals, often ex-pats, who have lived in each country and experienced life there- Full of anecdotal information that is insightful and useful to know before you leave home. Culture Shock! Country guides: - Provide full explanations of social and business customs- Use practical examples and personal stories- Include a helpful Appendix of Dos and Don'ts- Provide a cultural quiz to test your understanding- Include a calendar of festivals and holidays- (See pages 84-85 for full list of Culture Shock! country guides). Culture Shock! At Your Door guides include information on: - Spending extended time in a city- How to lease or rent apartments- Local food names and where to buy it- How to set up bank accounts and pay taxes- What laws may affect you and your long-term residency-,The typical workplace, and the entertainment scene in your new city- (See page 85 for full list of Culture Shock! At Your Door guides). Culture Shock! Practical guides are indispensable when: - You are parenting overseas- You are a student overseas- You need medical information overseas- Wives must live overseas with working husbands- You have to consider your personal protection overseas- (See page 85 for full list of Culture Shock! Practical guides).
Culture Shock! Malaysia