This book is intended to be a "RED PILL" for readers that will reveal the truth, and open your eyes to see the true reality of racism white supremacy. This book will attempt to decode, define, and enable the readers to defend, and counter act, racism white supremacy. The major areas of people activity including: education, economics, entertainment labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war, will each be explored individually and systemically. In order to provide a historical context, the history of the invented concept of race, Diop's Two Cradle Theory which explains the environmental conditions that produced the worldview that bred white racism, the concept of Maat which are the principles that govern man and the universe, the history of racism white supremacy and how it is manifested in all 9 people activities, including the added 10th people activity of "Health," will all be considered and explored in this book.
The RED PILL: Decoding Defining and Defending Against Racism White Supremacy