Shift. There's a storm, the sound of rain. Jonny and Sophie are kissing. Then as the sexuality escalates, Sophie disentangles herself, pushes Jonny gently away from her. Beat of them still, then: Jonny: Where's the baby? Sophie: In his cot -- I'm sorry, Jonny -- Jonny: No, no? Sophie: The doctor said . not to. Jonny nods. Beat.
Then, scuffing the floor: Jonny: The floor's turned to mud. Beat. It'll give you pain? Sophie nods. It will? Sophie: It might, but that's not . Jonny: For how long? Sophie: I think the doctor meant a while. Jonny: A month? Beat. A year? Sophie: He told me I had insides quite exhausted and he dearly hoped I didn't have any more children. Beat.
He said I should not have more children, / Jonny, so . Jonny: I -- I -- yes. Beat. Jonny realizes. No more ? Sophie: We have the two? Jonny: No more . ? No more children . ? No more . ? No more? Sophie: That's what he said.
Jonny: Did you ask him . what that meant, how to . ? Sophie: I said, "How do I prevent it?" He didn't answer, only said it would weaken my health, and could . cost my life. Jonny: He did? Sophie: Yes, and a child would get no nourishment from my womb, he said. Beat. I'll ask him again. I was nervous to .
say what I wanted to: that it would be hard not to -- to have no . Beat. I'm sorry, Jonny -- ? Jonny: No, no. We have the two. Jonny nods to himself and gets up. Sophie turns back to the audience.