The Orvis Field Guide to Shotgun Care & Maintenance is the first handbook written expressly for the shotgun enthusiast on the much-overlooked subject of maintaining & caring for your gun. Chapters include, "Handling & Caring for Firearms Safely," "Bore Obstructions," "Working With Solvents & Lubricants," "Your Gun Storage," "Gun Screw" & much more. Lavishly illustrated, The Orvis Field Guide to Shotgun Care & Maintenance provides the most precise & complete information found anywhere on how to correctly, effectively, & safely care for a shotgun. Written by professional gunsmith & master stockmaker Tom Morrow, who has practiced his trade for 30 years. Morrow was the last apprentice hired by Griffen & Howe when it was the gun division of the celebrated New York sporting good store Abercrombie & Fitch, outfitter to Ernest Hemingway, Teddy Roosevelt, Gary Cooper & countless other hunting & fishing enthusiasts. He brings Old World hints & techniques that are seldom seen anywhere in print to this valuable guide. Indispensable in the gunroom & for armchair reading for anyone who shoots a gun.
The Orvis Field Guide to Shotgun Care and Maintenance