"A gripping, heartbreaking yet hopeful tale of human resilience, compassion, and the haunting devastations of war. A book that will stay with you for a long time." --Cecile Pin, author of Wandering Souls "Lucidly and vividly written . Feels totally authentic . Zora's paintings, like the existence of this book, are testimony to the way that wars come and go but art goes on forever." --Phil Baker, The Sunday Times (U.K.) "A moving, compelling, deeply human novel about love, hope, and resilience in a city under siege.
Everyone should read it." --Emma Stonex, author of The Lamplighters "A timely love letter to a war-torn Sarajevo . Thoughtful and atmospheric . Beautifully drawn . This is a reflective novel about dark times that tells us life goes on, love stories develop, humanity remains in the most inhumane of times." --Estelle Birdy, Irish Independent "An astonishingly good debut . Zora's story broke my heart, and I hope it will open the hearts of all those who read it, at a time when history is destined to repeat itself." --Liz Nugent, author of Our Little Cruelties " Black Butterflies is incredible, a must-read.
There are few novels that stay with you after the final page is read, but this is one. Brutal yet also uplifting, immersive and real, it shows what the human spirit is capable of." --Karen Angelico, author of Everything We Are "If you want a story of hope persisting through hardship, read Black Butterflies ." --Katie Rosseinsky, Stylist "An intensely evocative and deeply moving debut--I held my breath as I read." --Ruth Gilligan, author of The Butchers' Blessing "Brilliantly evokes a world slipping, day by day, under the surface of the opaque waters of war. Dark yet starkly beautiful, Black Butterflies . is at once a testament to the victims and survivors of the Siege of Sarajevo, to the power of art, and to Morris's skills as a storyteller." --Aminatta Forna, author of The Hired Man.