What does finding "the soul of Christmas" mean to you? If you think it's about taking a heavy, stern theological approach to a joyful holiday, or berating others about "the reason for the season," then you don't know Thomas Moore. Moore, bestselling author of Care of the Soul and many other soul-centered books, turns his poetic attention to the Christmas season in this exploration of the deeper meaning behind holiday traditions. Using his trademark blend of storytelling, faith, and insight, he shows how our ordinary practices of gift-giving, singing carols, gathering with family and friends, and putting up trees have roots in ancient sacred traditions . and how those practices guide us to a way of life that is nothing short of revolutionary in today's culture. Moore shows that focusing on the meaning behind the symbolism and the sentiment behind the commercialism can lead us to a way of living that can hold value to people of any faith: a grand experiment in living from generosity rather than competitiveness, a single day when children know better than anyone that magic exists. With the right mindset, even shopping can become a deep practice of love and spirituality. The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.
The Soul of Christmas