"Smart and funny and all sorts of raunchy in the best way. Dazzles, entertains and squeezes in more than a few laughs. Razzmatazz is another success for Christopher Moore." -- San Francisco Chronicle "Moore and his merry band of miscreants are firmly on the right side of history--and they will make you laugh until it hurts." -- BookPage (starred review) on Razzmatazz "Buckle in for Shakespeare for Squirrels, an uproarious take on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream--transformed into a murder mystery. A funny, fast-paced, and wild read." -- Huffington Post "It takes a certain amount of guts and wild abandon to recast a Shakespeare comedy as a hard-boiled detective story, but if anyone can pull it off, it's master satirist Moore, whose gift for funny business apparently knows no bounds. A welcome return of a fan-favorite character in a romp of a tale that will delight not only mystery buffs but also fantasy fanatics, and, of course, Bard lovers.
" -- Booklist (starred review) on Shakespeare for Squirrels ?"Christopher Moore gives us dizzy dames and shadowy gangsters in Noir. Sammy, Moore's comic revision of Sam Spade, will take you on a silly-thrilly ride through late-1940s San Francisco, and you'll be laughing all the way." -- Washington Post.