Paul Moon is Professor of History at the Faculty of Maori Development, Te Ara Poutama, at Auckland University of Technology and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society at University College, London. Dr Moon is well-known for his writing on New Zealand and Maori history, of biographies and on the Treaty of Waitangi, and he has worked on several Waitangi Tribunal claims. His books include two studies on the Treaty of Waitangi, biographies of New Zealand governors William Hobson and Robert FitzRoy, a biography of Kotahitanga leader Hone Heke Ngapua, and a trilogy about Tuhoe tohunga Hohepa Kereopa. He has also written histories of New Zealand at the time of the Treaty of Waitangi signing and mid-1800s and on the social and economic situation of Maori to 1900.
Victoria Cross at Takrouna : The Haane Manahi Story