General Introduction Part I: Precursors to Sociological Theory Introduction bull;Of the Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2. What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant 3. Of the Division of Labor Adam Smith 4. Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville Part II: The Sociological Theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Introduction A. Alienation and Historical Materialism 5. The German Ideology Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 6. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 Karl Marx B. History and Class Struggle 7.
Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 8. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte Karl Marx C. Capitalism and the Labor Process 9. Wage-Labour and Capital Karl Marx 10. Classes Karl Marx Part III: The Sociological Theory of Emile Durkheim Introduction Society and Social Facts 11. The Rules of Sociological Method Solidarity and Modern Life 12. The Division of Labor in Society Origins of Collective Conscience 13. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life Egoism and Anomie 14.
Suicide Part IV: Sociological Theory of Max Weber Introduction Method of Social Science 15. ls"Objectivityrs" in Social Science 16. Basic Sociological Terms Religion and Rationality 17. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Bureaucracy and Power 18. The Distribution of Power Within the Political Community: Class, Status, Party 19. The Types of Legitimate Domination 20. Bureaucracy Part V: Self and Society in Classical Social Theory Introduction 21. The Self George Herbert Mead 22.
The Stranger Georg Simmel 23. Group Expansion and the Development of Individuality Georg Simmel 24. Civilization and its Discontents Sigmund Freud 25. The Souls of Black Folk W. E. B. Du Bois Part VI: Critical Theory and the Sociology of Knowledge Introduction 26. Ideology and Utopia Karl Mannheim 27.
Traditional and Critical Theory Max Horkheimer 28. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Walter Benjamin 29. The Culture Industry Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno 30. One Dimensional Man Herbert Marcuse Part VII: Structural-Functional Analysis Introduction 31. The Position of Sociological Theory Talcott Parsons 32. An Outline of the Social System Talcott Parsons 33. Structural Components of the Social System Talcott Parsons 34. Manifest and Latent Functions Robert Merton 35.
On Sociological Theories of the Middle Range Robert Merton 36. Social Structure and Anomie Robert Merton.