Introduction 1. Understanding the Market in Higher Education in Africa Theme 1: Private and Government Involvement 2. Public vs Private Universities in Nigeria: Market Dynamics Perspective 3. Government Policies on Education in Africa 4. Addressing the Challenges of Higher Education in Africa: The role of African Governments, African Development Bank, and Business Corporations Operating in Africa 5. Towards an Understanding of Islamic Private Universities in Africa. Theme 2: Students and Staff as Stakeholders 6. Partnerships with Universities in South Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Student and Staff Mobility 7.
Marketing Higher Education: Creating value for refugee students 8. Marketing Higher Education Through Work-Readiness Programmes Theme 3: Positioning for Added Advantage 9. Paving the Way for World Domination: Analysis of African Universities' Mission Statement 10. Typology of Nigeria Universities: A Strategic Marketing and Branding Implication 11. University League Tables and Ranking Systems in Africa: Emerging Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities Theme 4: Marketing Strategies for Universities 12. Training the Marketers for Implementing New Marketing Strategy: A Case from the University of Ghana. 13. Marketing mix in a heterogenous Higher Education Market: A Case of Africa 14.
Marketing Muslim Universities: Challenges and Opportunities with Specific Reference to the African Case Conclusion 15. Marketisation in higher education in Africa: new directions for a decolonising continent.