Introduction 1 Part 1: Artificial Intelligence Basics 5 Chapter 1: Artificial Intelligence 101 7 Chapter 2: A Primer on ChatGPT 13 Chapter 3: Spanning the AI Landscape: Different Inputs and Outputs 23 Part 2: AI Stock Investing 29 Chapter 4: Large-Cap AI Stocks 31 Chapter 5: Small-Cap AI Stocks and IPOs 43 Chapter 6: Diversifying with ETFs and Mutual Funds 51 Chapter 7: Robo-Advisors 65 Chapter 8: Fundamental and Technical Analysis 75 Part 3: AI Stock Investing Alternatives 85 Chapter 9: Hard Assets and Commodities 87 Chapter 10: Bonds, Bank Investments, and Digital Currencies 109 Chapter 11: Real Estate Investing 123 Chapter 12: Business and Career Ventures 139 Part 4: Smart Investment Tactics 159 Chapter 13: Using AI for Economic Analysis 161 Chapter 14: Financial Planning and Other Money Matters 181 Chapter 15: Retirement and Estate Planning 193 Chapter 16: Tax Considerations 209 Part 5: The Part of Tens 227 Chapter 17: Ten Cautions about Artificial Intelligence 229 Chapter 18: Ten or So Types of Prompts You Can Use for AI Investing 235 Chapter 19: Ten Tools and Resources That AI Beginners Should Consider 243 Chapter 20: Ten Strategies to Complement Your AI Investing Pursuits 249 Part 6: Appendixes 257 Appendix A: AI Resources 259 Appendix B: AI Tools 265 Appendix C: General Investing Resources 271 Index 275.
AI Investing for Dummies