Atlas of Structural Geological and Geomorphological Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images
Atlas of Structural Geological and Geomorphological Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images
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Author(s): Misra, Achyuta Ayan
ISBN No.: 9781119813392
Pages: 272
Year: 202210
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 241.50
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Section A: Background Introduction to "Atlas of Structural Geological and Geomorphological Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images" Remote Sensing Fundamentals Classification of Remote Sensing Depending on Data Type, Source, Platform, and Imaging Media Section B: Geomorphology Geodynamic Quantification of Mid-Channel Bar Morphology: A Spatio-Temporal Study Geomorphic Indicators of Glacier Retreat from Jorya-Garang Glacier of Baspa Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India Aerial Views of the 2018 Kilauea Eruption, Hawaii, U.S.A. Depositional Systems - An Overview Via Google Earth The Lateritic Badlands of Garbeta (West Bengal, India) Geomorphology Along the West Coast of India, Through Remote Sensing Fluvial Geomorphology in a part of the Spiti River Basin, Himachal Pradesh, India Section C: Structural Geology Deformation Bands Mapped in the Miocene Sandstone-Dominated Outcrops, Sengkurong, Brunei Darussalam, SE Asia Disaggregation Deformation Bands Dominate the Trapping and Sealing Process at The Lion King Fault Zone, Brunei, SE Asia Surface Deformation Along Katrol Hill Fault, Kachchh, Evidenced by Satellite and DEM Data Tectonics, Fault Zones, and Topography in the Alaska-Canada Cordillera with a Focus on the Alaska Range and Denali Fault Zone Use of Remote Sensing in Lineament Analysis Tectonic Structures Interpretation using Airborne-Based LiDAR DEM on the Examples from the Polish Outer Carpathians Spatial Variability of Tectonic Influences on Drainage Networks Archival Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Image of Faults in a Mixed Carbonate-Clastic Succession, Northwestern Spring Mountains, Nevada, USA Coseismic Surface Rupture and Related Disaster During the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu Earthquake, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia Structural and Alteration Mapping using ASTER imagery and DEM for Gold Mineralization in the Gadag Schist Belt of Karnataka, India Identifying Subtle Deformation Structures from Satellite Images in Parts of the Mesozoic Kachchh (Kutch) Basin, Kachchh District, Gujarat, India Lineament Analysis in a Part of the Son River Valley, Madhya Pradesh, India Meso Scale Sinistral Shear, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Telangana, India Regional Polyclinal Fold with Faulted Limbs, Rajasthan, India Drainage Architecture and Bar Formation of the Rangit Tributaries, Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya, India.

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