Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Geological Studies : Principles, Integrated Exploration and Plate Tectonics
Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Geological Studies : Principles, Integrated Exploration and Plate Tectonics
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Author(s): Mishra, Dinesh C.
Mishra, Dinesh Chandra
ISBN No.: 9780415684200
Pages: 958
Year: 201111
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 418.94
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Part I: Methodology with Global Examples (Continental, Marine and Airborne - Satellite Surveys) Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Geological Studies and Gravity and Magnetic Methods Chapter 2 Gravity Method 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Basic Principles 2.3 Instruments and Data Acquisition 2.4 Corrections and Reduction of Gravity Data 2.5 Post Processing Analysis and Isostasy 2.6 Special Gravity Surveys - Marine, Airborne and Satellite Surveys 2.

7 Interpretation 2.8 Applications: Gravity Anomaly and Related Maps of India 2.9 Field examples and Gravity Signatures: Extensional Tectonics 2.10 Compressional (Convergence) Tectonics: Recent Convergent Margins and Subduction Zones 2.11 Ancient Collision Zones: Proterozoic and Paleozoic convergence 2.12 Comparitive study of Different Gravity and Magetic Surveys and Expected Anomalies for Different Targets and Temporal variations in Gravity Field Chapter 3 Magnetic Methods 3.1 Introduction and Basic Principles 3.2 Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism 3.

3 Instruments and Data Acquisition 3.4 Corrections and Presentation of Magnetic Data 3.5 Data Processing 3.6 Special Magnetic Surveys 3.7 Interpretation of Magnetic Anomalies 3.8 Field Examples: Geodynamic Studies and Mineral Exploration Chapter 4 Common Data Processing Methods and Parameter Estimation - Digital Signal Processing 4.1 Regional and Residual Separation 4.2 Spectral Analysis 4.

3 Fourier Transform of Gravity and Magnetic Fields: Layered Model and Basement Relief 4.4 Admittance Analysis and Coherence 4.5 Linear Inversion and Parameter Estimation 4.6 Field Examples: Harmonic Inversion and Geodynamic Studies 4.7 Field Examples: Basement Model and Geological Mapping Part II Integrated Exploration of Indian Plate and Resources (Geodynamics, Seismotectonics, Hydrocarbons, Minerals, Groundwater, Environment and Engineering Sites) Chapter 5 Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics: Reconstructions, Gondwanaland Break-Up, Plumes and Drifting of Indian Plate 5.1 Continental Drift 5.2 Plate Tectonics 5.3 Mantle Plumes and Break up of Gondwanaland 5.

4 Indian Ocean 5.5 Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal: Satellite Derived Gravity Maps 5.6 Conjugate Structures of India and Antarctica: Eastern Margin of India and East Antaretica Chapter 6 Collision of Indian and Eurasian Plates and Seismotectonics: Himalayan and Tibetan Terrains 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Central and Eastern Himalaya, Burmes Arc and Tibet - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.3 Western Fold Belt (Pakistan) and Syntaxis, and NW Himalaya - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.4 Geodetic Measurements and Deformation Models 6.5 Summary Chapter 7 Geodynamics of the Indian Continent and Seismotectonics: Isostasy, Archean - Proterozoic Cratons, Collision Zones, Rift Basins, Plumes and Lithosphere, and it''s Flexure 7.

1 Archean - Proterozoic Tectonics 7.2 Geophysical Signatures 7.3 Bouguer Anomaly Map of India vis-à-vis Geology and Tectonics 7.4 Broad Tectonic Zones of Indian Shield 7.5 Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB) and Western Rajasthan 7.6 Satpura Mobile Belt (SMB) 7.7 Godavari Proterozoic Belt (GPB) and Gondwana Basins - Crustal Structures and Proterozoic Triple Junction and Seismicity 7.8 Peninsular Shield: Eastern and Western Dharwar Cratons and Deccan Volcanic Province ce) Tectonics: Recent Convergent Margins and Subduction Zones 2.

11 Ancient Collision Zones: Proterozoic and Paleozoic convergence 2.12 Comparitive study of Different Gravity and Magetic Surveys and Expected Anomalies for Different Targets and Temporal variations in Gravity Field Chapter 3 Magnetic Methods 3.1 Introduction and Basic Principles 3.2 Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism 3.3 Instruments and Data Acquisition 3.4 Corrections and Presentation of Magnetic Data 3.5 Data Processing 3.6 Special Magnetic Surveys 3.

7 Interpretation of Magnetic Anomalies 3.8 Field Examples: Geodynamic Studies and Mineral Exploration Chapter 4 Common Data Processing Methods and Parameter Estimation - Digital Signal Processing 4.1 Regional and Residual Separation 4.2 Spectral Analysis 4.3 Fourier Transform of Gravity and Magnetic Fields: Layered Model and Basement Relief 4.4 Admittance Analysis and Coherence 4.5 Linear Inversion and Parameter Estimation 4.6 Field Examples: Harmonic Inversion and Geodynamic Studies 4.

7 Field Examples: Basement Model and Geological Mapping Part II Integrated Exploration of Indian Plate and Resources (Geodynamics, Seismotectonics, Hydrocarbons, Minerals, Groundwater, Environment and Engineering Sites) Chapter 5 Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics: Reconstructions, Gondwanaland Break-Up, Plumes and Drifting of Indian Plate 5.1 Continental Drift 5.2 Plate Tectonics 5.3 Mantle Plumes and Break up of Gondwanaland 5.4 Indian Ocean 5.5 Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal: Satellite Derived Gravity Maps 5.6 Conjugate Structures of India and Antarctica: Eastern Margin of India and East Antaretica Chapter 6 Collision of Indian and Eurasian Plates and Seismotectonics: Himalayan and Tibetan Terrains 6.1 Introduction 6.

2 Central and Eastern Himalaya, Burmes Arc and Tibet - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.3 Western Fold Belt (Pakistan) and Syntaxis, and NW Himalaya - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.4 Geodetic Measurements and Deformation Models 6.5 Summary Chapter 7 Geodynamics of the Indian Continent and Seismotectonics: Isostasy, Archean - Proterozoic Cratons, Collision Zones, Rift Basins, Plumes and Lithosphere, and it''s Flexure 7.1 Archean - Proterozoic Tectonics 7.2 Geophysical Signatures 7.3 Bouguer Anomaly Map of India vis-à-vis Geology and Tectonics 7.4 Broad Tectonic Zones of Indian Shield 7.

5 Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB) and Western Rajasthan 7.6 Satpura Mobile Belt (SMB) 7.7 Godavari Proterozoic Belt (GPB) and Gondwana Basins - Crustal Structures and Proterozoic Triple Junction and Seismicity 7.8 Peninsular Shield: Eastern and Western Dharwar Cratons and Deccan Volcanic Province hods and Parameter Estimation - Digital Signal Processing 4.1 Regional and Residual Separation 4.2 Spectral Analysis 4.3 Fourier Transform of Gravity and Magnetic Fields: Layered Model and Basement Relief 4.4 Admittance Analysis and Coherence 4.

5 Linear Inversion and Parameter Estimation 4.6 Field Examples: Harmonic Inversion and Geodynamic Studies 4.7 Field Examples: Basement Model and Geological Mapping Part II Integrated Exploration of Indian Plate and Resources (Geodynamics, Seismotectonics, Hydrocarbons, Minerals, Groundwater, Environment and Engineering Sites) Chapter 5 Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics: Reconstructions, Gondwanaland Break-Up, Plumes and Drifting of Indian Plate 5.1 Continental Drift 5.2 Plate Tectonics 5.3 Mantle Plumes and Break up of Gondwanaland 5.4 Indian Ocean 5.5 Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal: Satellite Derived Gravity Maps 5.

6 Conjugate Structures of India and Antarctica: Eastern Margin of India and East Antaretica Chapter 6 Collision of Indian and Eurasian Plates and Seismotectonics: Himalayan and Tibetan Terrains 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Central and Eastern Himalaya, Burmes Arc and Tibet - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.3 Western Fold Belt (Pakistan) and Syntaxis, and NW Himalaya - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.4 Geodetic Measurements and Deformation Models 6.5 Summary Chapter 7 Geodynamics of the Indian Continent and Seismotectonics: Isostasy, Archean - Proterozoic Cratons, Collision Zones, Rift Basins, Plumes and Lithosphere, and it''s Flexure 7.1 Archean - Proterozoic Tectonics 7.2 Geophysical Signatures 7.

3 Bouguer Anomaly Map of India vis-à-vis Geology and Tectonics 7.4 Broad Tectonic Zones of Indian Shield 7.5 Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB) and Western Rajasthan 7.6 Satpura Mobile Belt (SMB) 7.7 Godavari Proterozoic Belt (GPB) and Gondwana Basins - Crustal Structures and Proterozoic Triple Junction and Seismicity 7.8 Peninsular Shield: Eastern and Western Dharwar Cratons and Deccan Volcanic Province > 5.1 Continental Drift 5.2 Plate Tectonics 5.

3 Mantle Plumes and Break up of Gondwanaland 5.4 Indian Ocean 5.5 Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal: Satellite Derived Gravity Maps 5.6 Conjugate Structures of India and Antarctica: Eastern Margin of India and East Antaretica Chapter 6 Collision of Indian and Eurasian Plates and Seismotectonics: Himalayan and Tibetan Terrains 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Central and Eastern Himalaya, Burmes Arc and Tibet - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.3 Western Fold Belt (Pakistan) and Syntaxis, and NW Himalaya - Crustal and Lithospheric Structures 6.4 Geodetic Measurements and Deformation Models 6.

5 Summary Chapter 7 Geodynamics of the Indian Co.

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