High-Density and de-Densified Smart Campus Communications : Technologies, Integration, Implementation and Applications
High-Density and de-Densified Smart Campus Communications : Technologies, Integration, Implementation and Applications
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Author(s): Minoli, Daniel
ISBN No.: 9781119716075
Pages: 368
Year: 202112
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 186.23
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Preface xi About The Authors xiii Acknowledgement xv 1 Background and Functional Requirements for HighDensity Communications 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Requirements for HighDensity Communications 4 1.2.1 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Airports 5 1.2.2 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Stadiums 7 1.2.

3 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Convention Centers 7 1.2.4 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Open Air Gatherings and Amusement Parks 10 1.2.5 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Classrooms 11 1.2.6 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Train and Subway Stations 12 1.2.

7 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Dense Office Environments 12 1.2.8 Ongoing Requirements for Dense Smart Warehouses and Distribution Centers 14 1.2.9 Prepandemic/Longterm Requirements for Dense Smart Cities 14 1.3 PandemicDriven Social Distancing 16 1.3.1 Best Practices 16 1.

3.2 Heuristic Density for the Pandemic Era 20 1.4 The Concept of a Wireless Super Network 20 References 22 2 Traditional WLAN Technologies 26 2.1 Overview 26 2.2 WLAN Standards 28 2.3 WLAN Basic Concepts 29 2.3.1 PHY Layer Operation 32 2.

3.2 MAC Layer Operation 36 2.4 Hardware Elements 40 2.5 KEY IEEE 802.11ac Mechanisms 42 2.5.1 Downlink MultiUser MIMO (DLMUMIMO) 42 2.5.

2 Beamforming 45 2.5.3 Dynamic Frequency Selection 45 2.5.4 Space-Time Block Coding 46 2.5.5 Product Waves 48 2.6 Brief Preview of IEEE 802.

11ax 48 References 49 3 Traditional DAS Technologies 51 3.1 Overview 51 3.2 Frequency Bands of Cellular Operation 56 3.2.1 Traditional RF Spectrum 56 3.2.2 Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 60 3.2.

3 Freedup Satellite CBand 62 3.2.4 5G Bands 64 3.2.5 Motivations for Additional Spectrum 65 3.2.6 Private LTE/Private CBRS 66 3.2.

7 5G Network Slicing 68 3.2.8 Supportive Technologies 68 3.3 Distributed Antenna Systems (DASs) 70 3.3.1 Technology Scope 70 3.3.2 More Detailed Exemplary Arrangement 76 3.

3.3 Trafficaware DAS 81 3.3.4 BBU and DAS/RRU Connectivity 82 3.3.5 Ethernet/IP Transport Connectivity of DAS 84 References 84 4 Traditional Sensor Networks/IoT Services 87 4.1 Overview and Environment 87 4.2 Architectural Concepts 93 4.

3 Wireless Technologies for the IoT 96 4.3.1 Pre5G Wireless Technologies for the IoT 100 4.3.2 NBIoT 104 4.3.3 LTEM 105 4.3.

4 5G Technologies for the IoT 106 4.3.5 WANOriented IoT Connectivity Migration Strategies 108 4.4 Examples of SevenLayer IoT Protocol Stacks 109 4.4.1 UPnP 109 4.4.2 ZigBee 115 4.

4.3 Bluetooth 116 4.5 GatewayBased IoT Operation 117 4.6 Edge Computing in the IoT Ecosystem 118 4.7 Session Establishment Example 121 4.8 IoT Security 121 4.8.1 Challenges 121 4.

8.2 Applicable Security Mechanisms 125 4.8.3 Hardware Considerations 127 4.8.4 Other Approaches: Blockchains 132 References 132 5 Evolved Campus Connectivity 139 5.1 Advanced Solutions 140 5.1.

1 802.11ax Basics 143 5.1.2 Key 802.11ax Processes 154 5.1.3 Summary 156 5.2 Voice Over WiFi (VoWiFi) 158 5.

3 5G Technologies 163 5.3.1 Emerging Services 164 5.3.2 New Access and Core Elements 165 5.3.3 New 5GC Architecture 168 5.3.

4 Frequency Spectrum and Propagation Challenges 169 5.3.5 Resource Management 170 5.3.6 Requirements for Small Cells 175 5.3.7 Comparison to WiFi 6 178 5.4 IoT 178 5.

5 5G DAS Solutions 179 5.6 Integrated Solutions 179 References 181 6 Dedensification of Spaces and Work Environments 184 6.1 Overview 184 6.2 Basic Approaches 189 6.3 RTLS Methodologies and Technologies 194 6.3.1 RFID Systems 202 6.3.

2 WiFibased Positioning System (WPS) 205 6.3.3 Bluetooth 206 6.3.4 UWB 207 6.3.5 Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) 207 6.4 Standards 207 6.

5 Applications 209 References 212 7 UWBBased Dedensification of Spaces and Work Environments 222 7.1 Review of UWB Technology 223 7.2 Carriage of Information in UWB 226 7.2.1 Pulse Communication 226 7.2.2 UWB Modulation 228 7.3 UWB Standards 232 7.

4 IoT Applications for UWB 237 7.5 UWB Applications for Smart Cities and for RealTime Locating Systems 239 7.5.1 Applications for Smart Cities 239 7.5.2 UWB Applications to RealTime Location Systems 240 7.6 OSD/ODCMA Applications 248 References 253 8 RTLSs and Distance Tracking Using WiFi, Bluetooth, and Cellular Technologies 258 8.1 Overview 258 8.

2 RF Fingerprinting Methods 260 8.3 WiFi RTLS Approaches 261 8.3.1 Common Approach 261 8.3.2 Design Considerations 266 8.3.3 Drawbacks and Limitations 267 8.

3.4 Potential Enhancements 267 8.3.5 Illustrative Examples 269 8.4 BLE 271 8.4.1 Bluetooth and BLE Background 271 8.4.

2 RTLS Applications 273 8.4.3 BLEBased Contact Tracing 278 8.4.4 Illustrative Examples 280 8.5 Cellular Approaches 283 8.6 Summary 286 References 288 9 Case Study of an Implementation and Rollout of a HighDensity HighImpact Network 291 9.1 Thurgood Marshall BWI Airport Design Requirements 292 9.

1.1 Broad Motivation 293 9.1.2 Status Quo Challenges 294 9.1.3 RFP Requirements 295 9.2 Overview of the Final Design 298 9.2.

1 DAS Solutions 300 9.2.2 Broadband, BLE, IoT 305 10 The Age of WiFi and Rise of the Wireless SuperNetwork (WiSNET)TM 312 10.1 What Preceded the WiSNET 312 10.2 What Comes Next 313 10.3 The SuperIntegration Concept of a Wireless SuperNetwork (WiSNET) 314 10.4 The Multidimensionality of a SuperNetwork (WiSNET) 317 10.5 The Genesis of the WiSNET Concept Defined in this Text 317 10.

6 The Definition and Characterization of a WiSNET 320 10.6.1 Architectural Aspects of a WiSNET 321 10.6.2 Technology Aspects of a WiSNET 325 10.6.3 Management Aspects of a WiSNET 328 10.7 Economic Advantages of a WiSNET System 331 10.

8 5G Slice Capabilities 332 10.8.1 Motivations and Approaches for 5G Network Slicing 332 10.8.2 Implementation 335 10.8.3 Wi-Fi Slicing 335 10.9 Conclusion 335 References 336 Index 337.

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