Digital System Design Using FSMs : A Practical Learning Approach
Digital System Design Using FSMs : A Practical Learning Approach
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Author(s): Minns, Peter D.
ISBN No.: 9781119782735
Pages: 352
Year: 202106
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 186.23
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Preface viii Acknowledgements x About the Companion Website xi Guide to Supplementary Resources xii 1 Introduction to Finite State Machines 1 1.1 Some Notes on Style 1 2 Using FSMs to Control External Devices 25 2.1 Introduction 25 3 Introduction to FSM Synthesis 45 3.1 Introduction 45 3.2 Tutorials Covering Chapters 1, 2, and 3 71 3.2.1 Binary data serial transmitter FSM 71 3.2.

2 The high low FSM system 76 3.2.3 The clocked watchdog timer FSM 80 FSM equations 81 3.2.4 The asynchronous receiver system clocked FSM 84 3.

2.4.1 Brief note on the development of the test bench generator 86 The state diagram 86 3.2.4.

3 The state diagram equations 87 The outputs 87 Verilog HDL simulation of the completed system 95 4 Asynchronous FSM Methods 97 4.1 Introduction to Asynchronous FSM 97 4.

2 Summary 144 4.3 Tutorials 144 4.3.1 FSM motor with fault detection 144 4.3.2 The mower in four and two states 148 5 Clocked One Hot Method of FSM Design 153 5.1 Introduction 153 5.2 Tutorials on the Clocked One Hot FSM Method 168 5.

2.1 Seven-state system clocked one hot method 168 5.2.2 Memory tester FSM 170 5.2.3 Eight-bit sequence detector FSM 174 6 Further Event-Driven FSM Design 179 6.1 Introduction 179 6.2 Conclusions 195 7 Petri Net FSM Design 197 7.

1 Introduction 197 7.2 Tutorials Using Petri Net FSM 234 7.2.1 Controlled shared resource Petri nets 234 7.2.2 Serial clock-driven Petri net FSM 240 7.2.3 Using asynchronous (event-driven) design with Petri nets 247 7.

3 Conclusions 249 Appendix A1: Boolean Algebra 251 A1.1 Basic Gate Symbols 251 A1.2 The Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR 252 A1.3 Laws of Boolean Algebra 252 A1.3.1 Basic OR rules 252 A1.3.2 Basic AND rules 253 A1.

3.3 Associative and commutative laws 253 A1.3.4 Distributive laws 253 A1.3.5 Auxiliary rule for static 1 hazard removal 254 A1.3.5.

1 Proof of the Auxiliary Rule 254 A1.3.6 Consensus theorem 254 A1.3.7 The effect of signal delay in logic gates 255 A1.3.8 De-Morgan''s theorem 256 A1.4 Examples of Applying the Laws of Boolean Algebra 257 A1.

4.1 Converting AND-OR to NAND 257 A1.4.2 Converting AND-OR to NOR 257 A1.4.3 Logical adjacency rule 258 A1.5 Summary 258 Appendix A2: Use of Verilog HDL and Logisim to FSM 261 A2.1 The Single-Pulse Generator with Memory Clock-Driven FSM 261 A2.

2 Test Bench Module and its Purpose 267 A2.3 Using Synapticad Software 268 A2.4 More Direct Method 270 A2.5 A Very Simple Guide to Using the Logisim Simulator 271 A2.5.1 The Logisim top level menu items 271 A2.6 Using Flip-Flops in a Circuit 273 A2.7 Example Single-Pulse FSM 275 A2.

8 How to Use the Simulator to Simulate the Single-Pulse FSM 278 A2.8.1 Using Logisim with the truth table approach 278 A2.9 Using Logisim with the Truth Table Approach 279 A2.9.1 Useful note 281 A2.10 Summary 281 Appendix A3: Counters, Shift Registers, Input, and Output with an FSM 285 A3.1 Basic Down Synchronous Binary Counter Development 285 A3.

2 Example of a Four-Bit Synchronous Up Counter with T Type Flip-Flops 288 A3.3 Parallel Loading Counters - Using T Flip-Flops 291 A3.4 Using D Flip-Flops To Build Parallel Loading Counters 292 A3.5 Simple Binary Up Counter with Parallel Inputs 293 A3.6 Clock Circuit to Drive the Counter (and FSM) 294 A3.7 Counter Design Using Don''t Care States 295 A3.8 Shift Registers 296 A3.9 Dealing with Input and Output Signals Using FSM 298 A3.

10 Using Logisim to Work with Larger FSM Systems 301 A3.10.1 The equations 302 A3.11 Summary 305 Appendix A4: Finite State Machines Using Verilog Behavioural Mode 307 A4.1 Introduction 307 A4.2 The Single-Pulse/Multiple-Pulse Generator with Memory FSM 307 A4.3 The Memory Tester FSM Revisited 313 A4.4 Summary 315 Appendix A5: Programming a Finite State Machine 317 A5.

1 Introduction 317 A5.2 The Parallel Loading Counter 317 A5.3 The Multiplexer 319 A5.4 The Micro Instruction 320 A5.5 The Memory 320 A5.6 The Instruction Set 321 A5.7 Simple Example: Single-Pulse FSM 323 A5.8 The Final Example 325 A5.

9 The Program Code 328 A5.10 Returning Unused States via Other Transition Paths 328 A5.11 Summary 328 Appendix A6: The Rotational Detector Using Logisim Simulator with Sub-Circuits 329 A6.1 Using the Two-State Diagram Arrangement 333 Bibliography 335 Index 337.

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