The Cunard Queens in the 1960s: Maureen Ryan; Working the Liners From Down Under: Robert Cummins; Hotel Manager: Herbert Jager; The Smell of Curry: Mike McDougle; Sailing with Cunard: Barrie Beavis; Purser Aboard the Great France: Terence Clarkson; Remembering the Ellinis: Leonard Weir; Serving on the Penthouse Deck: Gordon McKay; Purser Aboard the United States: David Fitzgerald; Tense Voyage: Anna D'Ambrosio; British Merchant Service: John Malone; Umbrellas in the Lounge: Giuseppe Cocurullo; Off to Sea: John Jones; On the Run to Bermuda: Ron Evans; Cruise Director: Rick Spath; Blue Funnel to Eastern Waters: Alan Gilchrist; On the Run to West Africa: Tony Costello; British Banana Boats: Alan Hulse; Union Castle to Cape Town: Trevor Blackwell; Onboard P&O's Chusan: Robert Leslie; Fly Cruises to the Med: Brenton Jenkins; Aboard the Luxurious Caronia: Tony Bannon; Bibby to Burma: Robert Gordon; Tipping on Union-Castle: Geoff Edwards; Post-War Luxury: Jim Eldridge; The Great Norway: Cato Christensen; Indian Ocean Sailing: David Andrews; High Luxury on the High Seas: Nick Evans; Popular P&O Liner: Henry Poulton; Peacetime Trooping: Robert Stanhope; Henderson Line to Rangoon: George Munn; Final Days of the Queen Elizabeth/Seawise University: Arthur Taylor; Greek Cruising: Terry Hopley; To the Age of Pandemic & Covid: Scott Peterson.
Serving on the Big Ships : Life on the Liners