PRAISE FOR THE HEALTHY WORKPLACE NUDGE "The Healthy Workplace Nudge is not your standard wellness-for-business book. In fact, Rex Miller directly challenges most of the ways companies deliver wellness programs to their employees. His team of researchers addresses why we need wellness programs in the first place: a lack of care. More than that, this book provides new pathways and practical approaches. Most importantly, it calls for a new kind of leadership. A leadership of care." --Bob Chapman, CEO, Barry-Wehmiller; coauthor, Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family "Workplaces are killing people, costing economies and business fortunes in the process, and no one seems to care - or believes that anything can change. The Healthy Workplace Nudge shows what it would take to enhance employee well-being and provides compelling examples of the change that is possible.
" --Jeffrey Pfeffer, author, Dying for a Paycheck ; professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business "Creating environments that allow people to be their best selves every day is not just a nice to have; it's a business imperative. While everyone agrees philosophically that healthy, happy employees are tantamount to innovative and successful business, rapid change in the wellness industry demands a clearer definition of the hows and whys of employee health. This book masterfully cuts through the noise to shed light on to what works and what doesn't. Rex has truly helped carve the way to the future of the workplace." --Ryan Picarella, president, Wellness Council of America, WELCOA "Combining the world's largest asset class (Real Estate) with the world's fastest-growing industry (Health and Wellness) represents the most significant economic and societal opportunity of our time. It's not someone else's responsibility or even opportunity. This is about all of us breaking our industry silos of real estate, HR, healthcare and financial performance. Rex Miller's team and their research describe not only the full potential but the threat to business and our economy, if we don't take advantage of this historic tipping point.
" --Paul Scialla, founder/CEO, Delos; founder, International WELL Building Institute "In the twenty-first century, organizations that are not designed to develop all aspects of employee life will be at a disadvantage. Rex and his team are spot-on in their insights about the importance of a workplace that fosters physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual engagement in their employees." --Greg Kunkel, SVP and cofounder, Next Jump.