Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective?
Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective?
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Author(s): Miller, Neil Z.
ISBN No.: 9781881217305
Edition: Revised
Pages: 128
Year: 202303
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 20.55
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Neil Z Miller is a medical research journalist and natural health advocate. He is the author of numerous articles and books on vaccines. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows, including Donahue and Montel Williams, where he is often seen and heard debating doctors and other health officials. He lives in Northern New Mexico with his family. Neil began his crusade against mandatory vaccines when his son was born. Very little data could be found on this topic. His search for the truth led him to scientific journals. There he discovered numerous studies warning medical practitioners that vaccines are often unsafe and ineffective.

His shock and anger at the suppression of this information culminated in his passionate advocacy of health freedom and informed parenting options. Miller is a health pioneer who presented documentation about vaccine safety and efficacy problems long before these concerns were made public. For example, several years ago he complained about toxic mercury being put into childhood vaccines and provided evidence linking vaccines and autism. Despite the many problems uncovered in Millers research, he does not tell parents to reject the shots. Miller has publicly debated the pros and cons of mandatory vaccines with several paediatricians and other health practitioners, including the chief medical epidemiologist for the National Immunization Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He conducts lectures throughout the United S.

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