NEW - Significant coverage of the Standards Movement and the No Child Left Behind legislation- including its implications for day-to-day classroom assessment and the students and teachers involved in the classroom assessment process. (See pages 6-11 and 13-20.) ~Familiarizes students with the changing context of testing and assessment - helps them better understand what's required to meet state and federal assessment mandates. NEW - Incorporates the new edition of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing . (Throughout Chapters 4 and 5. See pages 71 and 126 for examples.) ~Ensures students understand the most current, most appropriate assessment standards. NEW - Materials on selecting and using published tests were updated -reflecting new editions of tests and new approaches to assessment.
(As an example, see pages 409-414.) ~Helps readers better evaluate, select, and use published tests. Detailed, straightforward guidelines for how to construct test items with lots of concrete examples -the clearest of any text on the market. (As an example, see pages 187-192.) ~Provides future teaches with the crucial skill of being able to construct assessments that provide accurate and fair feedback on what students do and do not know or can or cannot do. This aspect of the book also helps make it an invaluable professional reference that pre-service teachers will want to keep. Throughout the text, provides step-by-step Checklists and Guidelines for ensuring quality assessment . (See examples on pages 172, 239, 270, and 384.
) ~Helps students apply content and provides quick reference guides for how to write items, provide feedback to students, etc. Offers comprehensive coverage of classroom assessment -including informal assessment procedures like observation (Chapter 13), methods for constructing objective test items like multiple-choice (Chapters 7 and 8), methods like performance assessments and essays for measuring complex achievement (Chapters 9-11), grading and portfolios (Chapters 12 and 15), and standardized tests (Chapters 16-19). ~Everything needed in the course is covered in a single book.