Times of old had long been forgotten, and tales passed into legend. Kingdoms had risen and fallen, and days of sorrow gave way to a new age. The earth was still young, and though many inhabitants had left the land, many more had arrived. Among these were the gnomes. This is the introductory book, that tells of accounts of the many travels and feats of the gnomes of Hartland, of their friends and close companions, and also of their foes. In days of old the dwarves found six special gems, in the jewel mines of Ladonya. They called them "the great stones," for each gave a special magic. Yet if one bore all six, he would wield "the great power.
" It was this power that brought about the eventual destruction of the dwarves kingdom, and now brings forth the menacing hand of the Evil One--Tizzaru. "Six great gems of power and light, Rule on or the others they'll call. One holds the key, All may hold thee, Never may one keep them all." This is the story of a special gnome and his companions, as they journey to the ancient mines for jewels, and beyond chance--become a part of the great circle of power. Welcome to the years of 'Middle Earth,' and the beginning of adventures for the gnomes of Hartland.