Hybrid Electric Vehicles : Principles and Applications with Practical Perspectives
Hybrid Electric Vehicles : Principles and Applications with Practical Perspectives
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Author(s): Mi, Chris
ISBN No.: 9781118970553
Pages: 600
Year: 201709
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 209.93
Status: Out Of Print

About the Authors xvii Preface to the First Edition xxi Preface to the Second Edition xxv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Sustainable Transportation 2 1.1.1 Population, Energy, and Transportation 3 1.1.2 Environment 4 1.1.3 Economic Growth 7 1.

1.4 New Fuel Economy Requirement 7 1.2 A Brief History of HEVs 7 1.3 Why EVs Emerged and Failed in the 1990s, and What We Can Learn 10 1.4 Architectures of HEVs 11 1.4.1 Series HEVs 12 1.4.

2 Parallel HEVs 13 1.4.3 Series-Parallel HEVs 14 1.4.4 Complex HEVs 15 1.4.5 Diesel Hybrids 15 1.4.

6 Other Approaches to Vehicle Hybridization 16 1.4.7 Hybridization Ratio 16 1.5 Interdisciplinary Nature of HEVs 17 1.6 State of the Art of HEVs 17 1.6.1 Toyota Prius 21 1.6.

2 The Honda Civic 21 1.6.3 The Ford Escape 21 1.6.4 The Two?]Mode Hybrid 21 1.7 Challenges and Key Technology of HEVs 24 1.8 The Invisible Hand-Government Support 25 1.9 Latest Development in EV and HEV, China''s Surge in EV Sales 27 References 29 2 Concept of Hybridization of the Automobile 31 2.

1 Vehicle Basics 31 2.1.1 Constituents of a Conventional Vehicle 31 2.1.2 Vehicle and Propulsion Load 31 2.1.3 Drive Cycles and Drive Terrain 34 2.2 Basics of the EV 36 2.

2.1 Why EV? 36 2.2.2 Constituents of an EV 36 2.2.3 Vehicle and Propulsion Loads 38 2.3 Basics of the HEV 39 2.3.

1 Why HEV? 39 2.3.2 Constituents of an HEV 40 2.4 Basics of Plug?]In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) 40 2.4.1 Why PHEV? 40 2.4.2 Constituents of a PHEV 41 2.

4.3 Comparison of HEV and PHEV 42 2.5 Basics of Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs) 42 2.5.1 Why FCV? 42 2.5.2 Constituents of a FCV 43 2.5.

3 Some Issues Related to Fuel Cells 43 Reference 43 3 HEV Fundamentals 45 3.1 Introduction 45 3.2 Vehicle Model 46 3.3 Vehicle Performance 49 3.4 EV Powertrain Component Sizing 52 3.5 Series Hybrid Vehicle 55 3.6 Parallel Hybrid Vehicle 60 3.6.

1 Electrically Peaking Hybrid Concept 61 3.6.2 ICE Characteristics 66 3.6.3 Gradability Requirement 66 3.6.4 Selection of Gear Ratio from ICE to Wheel 67 3.7 Wheel Slip Dynamics 68 References 71 4 Advanced HEV Architectures and Dynamics of HEV Powertrain 73 4.

1 Principle of Planetary Gears 73 4.2 Toyota Prius and Ford Escape Hybrid Powertrain 76 4.3 GM Two?]Mode Hybrid Transmission 80 4.3.1 Operating Principle of the Two?]Mode Powertrain 80 4.3.2 Mode 0: Vehicle Launch and Backup 81 4.3.

3 Mode 1: Low Range 82 4.3.4 Mode 2: High Range 83 4.3.5 Mode 3: Regenerative Braking 84 4.3.6 Transition between Modes 0, 1, 2, and 3 84 4.4 Dual?]Clutch Hybrid Transmissions 87 4.

4.1 Conventional DCT Technology 87 4.4.2 Gear Shift Schedule 87 4.4.3 DCT?]Based Hybrid Powertrain 88 4.4.4 Operation of DCT?]Based Hybrid Powertrain 90 4.

4.4.1 Motor?]Alone Mode 90 Combined Mode 90 4.4.4.

3 Engine?]Alone Mode 90 Regenerative Braking Mode 90 Power Split Mode 91 4.4.

4.6 Standstill Charge Mode 91 Series Hybrid Mode 92 4.5 Hybrid Transmission Proposed by Zhang et al. 92 4.5.

1 Motor?]Alone Mode 92 4.5.2 Combined Power Mode 93 4.5.3 Engine?]Alone Mode 94 4.5.4 Electric CVT Mode 94 4.5.

5 Energy Recovery Mode 94 4.5.6 Standstill Mode 94 4.6 Renault IVT Hybrid Transmission 95 4.7 Timken Two?]Mode Hybrid Transmission 96 4.7.1 Mode 0: Launch and Reverse 96 4.7.

2 Mode 1: Low?]Speed Operation 97 4.7.3 Mode 2: High?]Speed Operation 97 4.7.4 Mode 4: Series Operating Mode 97 4.7.5 Mode Transition 98 4.8 Tsai''s Hybrid Transmission 99 4.

9 Hybrid Transmission with Both Speed and Torque Coupling Mechanism 100 4.10 Toyota Highlander and Lexus Hybrid, E?]Four?]Wheel Drive 102 4.11 CAMRY Hybrid 103 4.12 Chevy Volt Powertrain 104 4.13 Non?]Ideal Gears in the Planetary System 106 4.14 Dynamics of the Transmission 107 4.15 Conclusions 108 References 108 5 Plug?]In Hybrid Electric Vehicles 111 5.1 Introduction to PHEVs 111 5.

1.1 PHEVs and EREVs 111 5.1.2 Blended PHEVs 112 5.1.3 Why PHEV? 112 5.1.4 Electricity for PHEV Use 114 5.

2 PHEV Architectures 115 5.3 Equivalent Electric Range of Blended PHEVs 115 5.4 Fuel Economy of PHEVs 116 5.4.1 Well?]to?]Wheel Efficiency 116 5.4.2 PHEV Fuel Economy 117 5.4.

3 Utility Factor 118 5.5 Power Management of PHEVs 119 5.6 PHEV Design and Component Sizing 121 5.7 Component Sizing of EREVs 122 5.8 Component Sizing of Blended PHEVs 123 5.9 HEV to PHEV Conversions 123 5.9.1 Replacing the Existing Battery Pack 123 5.

9.2 Adding an Extra Battery Pack 125 5.9.3 Converting Conventional Vehicles to PHEVs 126 5.10 Other Topics on PHEVs 126 5.10.1 End?]of?]Life Battery for Electric Power Grid Support 126 5.10.

2 Cold Start Emissions Reduction in PHEVs 126 5.10.3 Cold Weather/Hot Weather Performance Enhancement in PHEVs 127 5.10.4 PHEV Maintenance 127 5.10.5 Safety of PHEVs 128 5.11 Vehicle?]to?]Grid Technology 129 5.

11.1 PHEV Battery Charging 129 5.11.2 Impact of G2V 131 5.11.3 The Concept of V2G 135 5.11.4 Advantages of V2G 136 5.

11.5 Case Studies of V2G 137 5.12 Conclusion 140 References 140 6 Special Hybrid Vehicles 143 6.1 Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles 143 6.1.1 Regenerative Braking in HHVs 146 6.2 Off?]Road HEVs 148 6.2.

1 Hybrid Excavators 151 6.2.2 Hybrid Excavator Design Considerations 157 6.3 Diesel HEVs 163 6.4 Electric or Hybrid Ships, Aircraft, and Locomotives 164 6.4.1 Ships 164 6.4.

2 Aircraft 167 6.4.3 Locomotives 170 6.5 Other Industrial Utility Application Vehicles 172 References 173 Further Reading 174 7 HEV Applications for Military Vehicles 175 7.1 Why HEVs Can Be Beneficial for Military Applications 175 7.2 Ground Vehicle Applications 176 7.2.1 Architecture - Series, Parallel, Complex 176 7.

2.2 Vehicles that Are of Most Benefit 178 7.3 Non?]Ground?]Vehicle Military Applications 180 7.3.1 Electromagnetic Launchers 181 7.3.2 Hybrid?]Powered Ships 181 7.3.

3 Aircraft Applications 183 7.3.4 Dismounted Soldier Applications 183 7.4 Ruggedness Issues 185 References 186 Further Reading 187 8 Diagnostics, Prognostics, Reliability, EMC, and Other Topics Related to HEVs 189 8.1 Diagnostics and Prognostics in HEVs and EVs 189 8.1.1 Onboard Diagnostics 189 8.1.

2 Prognostics Issues 192 8.2 Reliability of HEVs 195 8.2.1 Analyzing the Reliability of HEV Architectures 196 8.2.2 Reliability and Graceful Degradation 199 8.2.3 Software Reliability Issues 201 8.

3 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Issues 203 8.4 Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH), Electromechanical, and Other Issues 205 8.5 End?]of?]Life Issues 207 References 208 Further Reading 209 9 Power Electronics in HEVs 211 9.1 Introduction 211 9.2 Principles of Power Electronics 212 9.3 Rectifiers Used in HEVs 214 9.3.1 Ideal Rectifier 214 9.

3.2 Practical Rectifier 215 9.3.3 Single?]Phase Rectifier 216 9.3.4 Voltage Ripple 218 9.4 Buck Converter Used in HEVs 221 9.4.

1 Operating Principle 221 9.4.2 Nonlinear Model 222 9.5 Non?]Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter 223 9.5.1 Operating Principle 223 9.5.2 Maintaining Constant Torque Range and Power Capability 225 9.

5.3 Reducing Current Ripple in the Battery 226 9.5.4 Regenerative Braking 228 9.6 Voltage Source Inverter 229 9.7 Current Source Inverter 229 9.8 Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter 231 9.8.

1 Basic Principle and Steady State Operations 231 Heavy Load Conditions 232 Light Load Condition 234 9.8.

1.3 Output Voltage 234 Output Power 236 9.8.2 Voltage Ripple 236 9.9 PWM Rectifier in HEVs 242 9.

9.1 Rectifier Operation of Inverter 242 9.10 EV and PHEV Battery Chargers 243 9.10.1 Forward/Flyback Converters 244 9.10.2 Half?]Bridge DC-DC Converter 245 9.10.

3 Full?]Bridge DC-DC Converter 245 9.10.4 Power Factor Correction Stage 246 Decreasing Impact on the Grid 246 9.10.4.

2 Decreasing the Impact on the Switches 247 9.10.5 Bidirectional Battery Chargers 247 9.10.6 Other Charger Topologies 249 9.10.7 Contactless Charging 249 9.10.

8 Wireless Charging 250 9.11 Modeling and Simulation of HEV Power Electronics 251 9.11.1 Device?]Level Simulation 251 9.11.2 System?]Level Model 252 9.12 Emerging Power Electronics Devices 253 9.13 Circuit Packaging 254 9.

14 Thermal Management of HEV Power Electronics 254 9.15 Conclusions 257 References 257 10 Electric Machines and Drives in HEVs 261 10.1 Introduction 261 10.2 Induction Motor Drives 262 10.2.1 Principle of Induction Motors 262 10.2.2 Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor 265 10.

2.3 Speed Control of Induction Machine 267 10.2.4 Variable Frequency, Variable Voltage Control of.

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