The Personalized Sport Instruction System serves as a learning guide for students, not as a reference for instructors. Students are provided with the tools needed to gain mastery in a course and can guide themselves at a pace that matches their ability. A Personal Progress Chart, found in all texts within the PSI System, allows instructors to monitor student progress at any point in the course and allows students to track their personal achievements. Instructors have a record of each student's progress from pretest to posttest and can assess completion of skills or the need for extra attention. The PSI System is based on Fred Keller's Personalized Systems of Instruction. This reputable source has a long history of empirical support. Instructors benefit from the PSI method because it provides an integrated and enjoyable way to design and implement physical activity instruction. Expert instructors will have more time to interact with students who need extra instruction, while novice instructors can follow the PSI sequence knowing their students are getting proper content and skill mastery.
Badminton : Mastering the Basics with the Personalized Sports Instruction System