Cyfres Golau Gwyrdd : Budapest
Cyfres Golau Gwyrdd : Budapest
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Author(s): Meek, Elin
ISBN No.: 9780862439736
Pages: 91
Year: 200806
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 6.94
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

English review followsDyma nofel gyfoes a stori fwyn a oedd yn hyfryd i'w darllen. Fe'i lleolwyd yn ninas y teitl ac mae'r stori yn dilyn dau berson, Gwyn a Margit, am dri diwrnod rhywbryd yn 2006.Mae Gwyn wedi ymweld ' Budapest sawl gwaith o'r blaen efo'i waith ond y tro yma, wrth aros i gwrdd ''i gyfreithiwr mewn tÅ· bwyta, mae e'n gweld rhywun y mae yn ei hadnabod ar draws y stafell - ei gyn-gariad Margit. Mae hi'n dod o Budapest, ond astudiodd yn yr un coleg ' Gwyn, yn Milton Keynes. A nawr, ar ôl pymtheng mlynedd, dyma hi eto. Hoffai Gwyn gwrdd ' hi eto a siarad ' hi, ond mae hi'n diflannu cyn iddo gael y cyfle.Wrth i'r stori fynd yn ei blaen, rydyn ni'n cael hanes eu perthynas, yn clywed beth sydd wedi digwydd i'r ddau yn y blynyddoedd ers iddynt wahanu, a beth maent yn ei wneud nawr. Fyddai Margit yn hoffi gweld Gwyn eto neu oes mwy o ddiddordeb ganddi erbyn hyn yn y dyn o'r Almaen sy'n gweithio gyda hi? Ydyn nhw'n debygol o gwrdd eto wrth iddynt fynd o gwmpas eu busnes yn Budapest? A beth fydd yn digwydd petaen nhw yn cyfarfod?Dyna'r edau sy'n rhedeg trwy gydol y llyfr hwn.

Ar yr un pryd, wrth i ni glywed am waith Margit fel arweinydd twristiaid, dysgwn dipyn am hanes a thraddodiadau Budapest.Wedi'i chyhoeddi gan wasg Y Lolfa, mae'r nofel hon yn un o gyfres ar gyfer oedolion sy'n dysgu Cymraeg, gyda geirfa ar ymyl pob tudalen.Linda Gay***********************This contemporary novel, set in the city of the title, is a gentle story which is a pleasure to read. The story follows two people, Gwyn and Margit, over the course of three days sometime in 2006.Gwyn has been to Budapest a number of times before with his work, but this time, whilst waiting to meet his solicitor in a restaurant, he sees someone he recognises across the room. His ex-lover Margit. She comes from Budapest, but she studied in the same college as Gwyn, in Milton Keynes. And now, after fifteen years, there she is.

He would like to meet up with her again and talk to her, but she disappears before he has a chance.As the story progresses we learn about their relationship, about what has happened to them since they separated fifteen years ago, and what they are doing now. Would Margit like to meet Gwyn again or is she more interested in the man from Germany working with her at the moment? Are they likely to meet up again as they each go about their business in Budapest? And what will happen if they do?These are the threads that run throughout the book. At the same time, as we hear of Margit's work as a tour guide, we learn a little of the history and customs of Budapest.Published by Y Lolfa, this novel is one of a series specially designed for adult learners of Welsh, and has a vocabulary at the edge of each page.Linda GayGellir defnyddio'r adolygiad hwn at bwrpas hybu, ond gofynnir i chi gynnwys y gydnabyddiaeth ganlynol: Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiat'd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.

It is possible to use this review for promotional purposes, but the following acknowledgment should be included: A review from, with the permission of the Welsh Books Council.

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