Helpwch Eich Plentyn / Help Your Child: Deall Geiriau / Understanding Words
Helpwch Eich Plentyn / Help Your Child: Deall Geiriau / Understanding Words
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Author(s): Elin, Meek
Meek, Elin
ISBN No.: 9781843232759
Pages: 48
Year: 201912
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 8.77
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

English review below Dyma lyfr yn yr un gyfres ag 'Adnabod Llythrennau' sy'n helpu plant bach i gadarnhau gwaith llythrennedd yr ysgol. Mae'r llyfr hwn yn ddatblygiad naturiol i 'Adnabod Llythrennau' gyda fformat tebyg, a Dwli'r ddraig yn seren.Llyfr dwyieithog yw hwn sy'n rhoi cyfle i rieni dwyieithog gefnogi datblygiad llythrennedd Cymraeg eu plant. Mae 'na amrywiaeth o weithgareddau, o gyfateb gair a gair, ysgrifennu geiriau a darnau o eiriau, chwilair, croesair, odli, arsylwi a hyd yn oed cwblhau coeden deuluol. Ceir cyfarwyddiadau syml i rieni. Ar y clawr, nodir mai ar gyfer plant 5 i 6 oed mae'r llyfr hwn ond byddwn i'n dweud ei fod yn addas ar gyfer plant dipyn bach yn hyn hefyd, gyda'r ystod o weithgareddau i gynnal eu diddordeb, a thipyn o waith darllen ynghlwm wrth rai o'r gweithgareddau. Mae'r llyfr hwn yn un diddorol, a digon o hiwmor yn y lluniau bywiog. * * *This book is one in a series of 'Help your Child' books, designed to support young children's Welsh literacy development.

Dwli the dragon is the star of the show who will help you navigate your way through this bilingual book. There are easy-to-follow instructions for parents who don't read Welsh, and a range of interesting activities for children from the age of 5-6 upwards. There are activities such as word searches, which my boys (aged 5 and 7) enjoy, crosswords, matching, colouring, writing parts of words (and words) and rhyming words. Sections include vowels, alphabetical order, br, dr and tr words and themes such as Animals, Food and the Family. By undertaking these activities with your child, you are helping to consolidate that which he or she is learning at school. An interesting, original and useful resource.

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