Assessing Student Learning by Design : Principles and Practices for Teachers and School Leaders
Assessing Student Learning by Design : Principles and Practices for Teachers and School Leaders
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Author(s): McTighe, Jay
ISBN No.: 9780807765401
Pages: 112
Year: 202104
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 39.95
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Contents (Tentative) Foreword? Introduction 1.?Principles of Effective Classroom Assessment Principle #1?Assessment Should Serve Learning Principle #2?Multiple Measures Provide More Evidence Principle #3?Assessments Should Align with Goals Principle #4?Assessments Should Measure What Matters Principle #5?Assessments Should Be Fair Conclusion 2.?An Assessment Planning Framework Begin with the End in Mind Classroom Assessment and National Content Standards Purpose and Audience Matter Classroom Assessment and Statewide Accountability Testing Conclusion 3.?Assessment Methods Selected Response Brief Constructed Response Performance-Based Assessments Process-focused Assessments Conclusion 4.?Evaluating Student Performance Criterion Lists Rubrics Evaluation Roles Conclusion 5.?Communicating Assessment Results Communication Methods Grading Principles and Practices Formative Assessment and Feedback Conclusion 6.?Classroom Assessment Strategies for Teachers Practice 1. Use assessments to frame learning goals Practice 2: Diagnose before you start teaching.

Practice 3: Create an authentic context for performance-based assessments Practice 4: Show evaluative criteria in the beginning Practice 5: Provide illustrative models Practice 6: Offer appropriate choices Practice 7: Provide ongoing feedback Practice 8: Encourage self-assessment and goal setting Conclusion 7.?Tips for School Leaders 1. Assess the Staff 2. Conduct a School Assessment Audit 3. Offer Targeted Professional Development 4. Share and Discuss Assessment-Related Articles 5. Develop or Adopt Principles of Assessment and Grading 6. Share Successful Practices 7.

Schedule Peer Visitations 8. Design Assessments Collaboratively 9. Examine Assessment Results in Teams 10. Discourage Excessive Test Prep 11. Organize a Voluntary Book Study Conclusion Glossary of Assessment Terms References Index About the Authors.

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