NEW! UbD Template for unit design -Clearer, and more user-friendly, the template now provides a structural foundation for the revised book, representing a form for the final design, with elements aligned. A practical benefit as a tool in design for understanding, the template cultivates better habits of planning for teacher designers. NEW! Sharpened meaning of understanding - Frames the term in more conceptual, practical terms for the reader. The text now offers more specific guidelines on how to frame desired understandings (i.e. as full-sentence generalizations) and put much greater emphasis on the goal of transfer. NEW! Updated and refined Chapter 5 - The argument about what essential questions are and are not has been more clearly defined for readers, whether coming from a humanities, science, or teaching background. NEW! Expanded selection of exercises - The text now features a greater sampling across the grade levels and subjects.
Readers will find that their concerns are better reflected in the revised materials, with illustrations drawn from a vast array of schooling experiences, elementary school to the college level. A great selection for the in-service market -- Very practical and applied. Co-published by Merrill and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) -- One of the many texts available in the Merrill/ASCD College Textbook Series partnership.