If your school or district is like most others, you're addressing the challenge of implementing new curriculum and assessments based on the Common Core State Standards. Use this new DVD to help you scale up your efforts systemwide. That's where this new DVD comes to your rescue. Drawing from the popular Understanding by Design (UbD(tm)) framework, the DVD explains an approach to implementing the Common Core standard that ensures a results-oriented curriculum with fidelity to the standards. UbD authors Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe introduce key concepts from UbD that apply to implementing the Common Core standards. Experts on curriculum design explain how to unpack standards for developing a powerful improvement plan focused on desired outcomes. Hear educators from the field describe using the UbD framework to align curriculum with assessments. Explore how to use UbD's backward-design approach to create units and lessons that reflect the Common Core standards' rigorous goals.
Both English language arts and literacy standards and content and practice standards for mathematics are addressed throughout the program. Whether your school is already well versed in UbD framework or not, showing this DVD at your next Common Core or professional learning community (PLC) meeting is an ideal way to get staff members at all levels to focus on a practical plan for meeting the challenge of the Common Core standards.