Protest! : A History of Social and Political Protest Graphics
Protest! : A History of Social and Political Protest Graphics
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Author(s): McQuiston, Liz
ISBN No.: 9780711241299
Pages: 288
Year: 201910
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 51.41
Status: Out Of Print

1 Early Developments: The Reformation and Social Comment (1500-1900) Martin Luther and the Reformation Jacques Callot: 'The Miseries of War' The French Revolution The Golden Age of British Satire Francisco Goya: 'The Disasters of War' French Satire and Comic Papers Thomas Nast Targets 'Boss' Tweed 2 Constructing a New Society (1900-1930) Posada and Pre-revolutionary Mexico Votes for Women: The WSPU Futurism Breaks with the Past Dadaism and its Graphics Photomontage and Social Critique 3 Fascism, The Cold War and The Bomb (1930-1960) The Constructivist Style Ben Shahn and Social Realism In the Shadow of Fascism The Spanish Civil War 'Ban the Bomb' and CND The Dawn of Defiance: Civil Rights, Anti-Apartheid 4 Redirection and Change (1960-1980) Cuban Revolutionary Poster Art Counter-Cultures Protests Against the Vietnam War The Civil Rights Movement Black Power and the Black Panthers Women's Liberation: The Second Wave Gay Liberation and Pride May '68 Riots: Atelier Populaire 1970s Youth Rebellion: Punk The Environmental Movement International Solidarity 5 The AIDS Crisis and Other Global Tensions (1980-2000) The International Peace Movement Political Satire: A Rogues' Gallery Internal Struggles, Divided Countries The Anti-Apartheid Movement Feminism: The Third Wave The AIDS Crisis Lesbian and Gay Activism Pro-Democracy Movements Anti-War Protests International Solidarity: Global Struggles Anti-Globalization Anti-Corporate Campaigns Animal Rights Environmental Concerns Human Rights, Anti-Racism 6 Revolutions and the Demand for Rights (2000-Present) The War on Terror 2011-14: Years of Revolution Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution Russia: Pussy Riot, The Blue Noses LGBT Issues Black Lives Matter Women's Rights Eco-Disasters, Eco-Crimes Political Satire: In Your Face Human Rights, Social Struggles Introduction Endnotes Bibliography Index Picture credits Acknowledgements.

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