Indigenous Poetics in Canada
Indigenous Poetics in Canada
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Author(s): McLeod, Neal
ISBN No.: 9781554589821
Pages: 416
Year: 201405
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 53.81
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Table of Contents for Indigenous Poetics in Canada , edited by Neal McLeod Introduction Neal McLeod Poetics of Memory 1 Achimo Duncan Mercredi 2 Interview with Armand Garnet Ruffo Conducted by Neal McLeod 3 Edgework: Indigenous Poetics as Re-placement Warren Cariou 4 Pauline Passed Here Janet Marie Rogers 5 Writer-Reader Reciprocity and the Pursuit of Alliance through Indigenous Poetry Sam McKegney 6 Remembering the Poetics of Ancient Sound kistêsin'w/wîsahkêc'hk's maskihkiy (Elder Brother's Medicine) Tasha Beeds 7 On Reading Basso David Newhouse 8 The Pemmican Eaters Marilyn Dumont 9 Cree Poetic Discourse Neal McLeod Poetics of Place 10 "Bubbling Like a Beating Heart": Reflections on Nishnaabeg Poetic and Narrative Consciousness Leanne Simpson 11 Getting (Back) to Poetry: A Memoir Daniel David Moses 12 Kwad'y Kwaodur-Our Shagóon Alyce Johnson 13 "Pimuteuat/ Ils marchent/ They Walk": A Few Observations on Indigenous Poetry and Poetics in French Michèle Lacombe 14 Iskigamizigan (The Sugarbush): A Poetics of Decolonization Waaseyaa'sin Christine Sy 15 The Power of Dirty Waters: Indigenous Poetics Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair 16 A Poetics of Place and Apocalypse: Conflict and Contradiction in Poetry of the Red River Resistance and the Northwest Resistance Jesse Rae Archibald-Barber 17 My Poem Is an Indian Woman Rosanna Deerchild Poetics of Performance 18 Interview with Marvin Francis Conducted by Rosanna Deerchild and Shayla Elizabeth 19 Blood Moves with Us--Story Poetry Lives Inside Janet Rogers 20 Revitalizing Indigenous Swagger: Poetics from a Plains Cree Perspective Lindsay "Eekwol" Knight 21 A Conversation of Influence, Tradition, and Indigenous Poetics: An Interview with Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm Conducted by Rhiannon Johnson 22 The "Nerve of Cree," the Pulse of Africa: Sound Identities in Cree, Cree-Métis, and Dub Poetries in Canada Susan Gingell 23 Poetics of Renewal: Indigenous Poetics-Message or Medium? Lillian Allen Poetics of Medicine 24 Indigenous Poetry and the Oral Lee Maracle 25 Poems as Healing Bundles Gregory Scofield 26 Small Birds/Songs Out of Silence Joanne Arnott 27 Stretching through Our Watery Sleep: Feminine Narrative Retrieval of cihcipistikw'n in Louise Halfe's The Crooked Good Lesley Belleau 28 "Learning to Listen to a Quiet Way of Telling": A Study of Cree Counselling Discourse Patterns in Maria Campbell's Halfbreed Gail MacKay About the Contributors Index.

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