1. Introduction 1.1 Demographics and health trends 1.2 How older adults use technology now 1.3 State of the art and what the next 10 years will bring 1.4. Mission Statement 1.5.
Suggested readings 2. Vision 2.1 How vision changes with age 2.2 Interim summary 2.3 Display technologies 2.4 In practice: Presenting web information on a mobile device 2.5 General design guidelines 2.6 Suggested readings 3.
How Hearing Changes With Age 3.1 Hearing loss 3.2 Interim Summary 3.3 Accessibility aids 3.4 Interim Summary 3.5 Human Language 3.6 Interim Summary 3.7 Designing audio displays 3.
8 In practice: The interactive auditory interface 3.9 General design guidelines 3.10 Suggested readings and references 4. Cognition 4.1 How cognition changes with age 4.2 In practice: Organization of information 4.3 General design guidelines 4.4.
References 4.4 Suggested readings 5. Aging and Movement Control 5.1 How movement changes with age 5.2 Interim summary 5.3 Movement disorders 5.4 Accessibility aids for movement control 5.5 Interim summary 5.
6 In practice: Display gestures 5.7 General design guidelines 5.8 Suggested readings 6. Older Adults in the User-Centered Design Process 6.1 How testing older users is different 6.2 Requirements gathering 6.3 Evaluation/inspection 6.4 Designing/prototyping/implementing alternate designs 6.
5 Recruiting 6.6 Summary 6.7 Suggested readings 7. Preface to Usability Evaluations and Redesigns 7.1 Organization of the redesign chapters 7.2 Displays Chosen for evaluation and redesign 8. Integrative Example: Smart Speakers 8.1 Overview 8.
2 Step 1: Create a persona 8.3 Step 2: Define a task 8.4 Emergent themes 8.5 Tasks analysis of a smart speaker 8.6 Testing 8.7 Revised experience after redesign 8.8 Suggested readings 9. Integrative Example: Workplace Communication Software 9.
1 Overview 9.2 Step 1: Create a persona 9.3 Step 2: Task scenario 9.4 Emergent themes 9.5 Task analysis and heuristic evaluation of using chat-based collaboration software 9.6 Ideas for redesign of chat-based collaboration software 9.7 Summary 9.8 Suggested readings 10.
Integrative Example: Transportation and Ridesharing Technology 10.1 Overview 10.2 Step 1: Create a persona 10.3 Step 2: Define the task 10.4 Emergent themes 10.5 Heuristic evaluation 10.6 Discussion 10.7 Suggested readings 11.
Integrative Example: Mixed Reality Systems 11.1 Overview 11.2 Step 1: Create a persona 11.3 Step 2: Task scenario 11.4 Emergent themes for older adult users 11.5 Suggested development and testing methods 11.6 Speculative design 11.7 Summary 11.
8 Suggested readings 12. Conclusion.