LAKOTA AND DAKOTA ANIMAL WISDOM STORIES is a compilation of twelve traditional, northern plains Native American stories retold by Dakota storyteller, Pamela Greenhill Kaizen and are accompanied by twelve full-color illustrations by South Dakota artist and educator Mark W. McGinnis. Leonard R. Bruguier, a descendant of the Yankton chiefs, War Eagle and Struck by the Ree, presents the introduction. The stories use animal characters to deal with the themes of compassion, greed, generosity, protection, survival, hard work, laziness, bravery, foolishness, trickery, and others. They range from simple humor as in THE FROG AND THE TURTLE BROTHERS, where two close friends decide to jump in the lake rather than catch colds by getting wet in the rain, to the rich and complex story of THE CRANE, which weaves a tale of compassion and caring for one's neighbors. The animal characters give insightful guidance on human morals and ethics and give a glimpse into the wonderful wit and wisdom of the Lakota and Dakota people. Mark McGinnis' paintings interpret a critical instant from each story, translating the oral moment to a visual expression of color, texture and shapes.
This book is well suited to be read to younger children, to be read by older children, or for adults who enjoy new perspectives into Native American culture. Available for $11.98 plus $3.00 S/H from Tipi Press, St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD 57326; 605-734-3300.