CSS: the Missing Manual
CSS: the Missing Manual
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Author(s): McFarland, David Sawyer
ISBN No.: 9781491918050
Pages: 720
Year: 201509
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 69.30
Status: Out Of Print

The Missing Credits; About the Author; About the Creative Team; Acknowledgments; The Missing Manual Series;Introduction; What Is CSS?; What You Need to Know; HTML: The Barebones Structure; Document Types; How HTML Tags Work; HTML5: More Tags to Choose From; Software for CSS; About This Book; The Very Basics; About the Online Resources; SafariĀ® Books Online;Part 1: CSS Basics; Chapter 1: HTML and CSS; 1.1 HTML: Past and Present; 1.2 Writing HTML for CSS; 1.3 The Importance of the Doctype; 1.4 How CSS Works; Chapter 2: Creating Styles and Style Sheets; 2.1 Anatomy of a Style; 2.2 Understanding Style Sheets; 2.3 Internal Style Sheets; 2.

4 External Style Sheets; 2.5 Tutorial: Creating Your First Styles; Chapter 3: Selectors: Identifying What to Style; 3.1 Type Selectors: Styling HTML Tags; 3.2 Class Selectors: Pinpoint Control; 3.3 ID Selectors: Specific Page Elements; 3.4 Styling Groups of Tags; 3.5 Styling Tags Within Tags; 3.6 Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements; 3.

7 Attribute Selectors; 3.8 Child Selectors; 3.9 Siblings; 3.10 The :target Selector; 3.11 The :not() Selector; 3.12 Tutorial: Selector Sampler; Chapter 4: Saving Time with Style Inheritance; 4.1 What Is Inheritance?; 4.2 How Inheritance Streamlines Style Sheets; 4.

3 The Limits of Inheritance; 4.4 Tutorial: Inheritance; Chapter 5: Managing Multiple Styles: The Cascade; 5.1 How Styles Cascade; 5.2 Specificity: Which Style Wins; 5.3 Controlling the Cascade; 5.4 Tutorial: The Cascade in Action;Part 2: Applied CSS; Chapter 6: Formatting Text; 6.1 Using Fonts; 6.2 Using Web Fonts; 6.

3 Discovering Google Web Fonts; 6.4 Adding Color to Text; 6.5 Changing Font Size; 6.6 Formatting Words and Letters; 6.7 Adding Text Shadow; 6.8 Formatting Entire Paragraphs; 6.9 Styling Lists; 6.10 Tutorial: Text Formatting in Action; Chapter 7: Margins, Padding, and Borders; 7.

1 Understanding the Box Model; 7.2 Controlling Space with Margins and Padding; 7.3 Adding Borders; 7.4 Coloring the Background; 7.5 Creating Rounded Corners; 7.6 Adding Drop Shadows; 7.7 Determining Height and Width; 7.8 Wrapping Content with Floating Elements; 7.

9 Tutorial: Margins, Backgrounds, and Borders; Chapter 8: Adding Graphics to Web Pages; 8.1 Discovering CSS and theTag; 8.2 Adding Background Images; 8.3 Controlling Repetition; 8.4 Positioning a Background Image; 8.5 Using Background Property Shorthand; 8.6 Using Multiple Background Images; 8.7 Utilizing Gradient Backgrounds; 8.

8 Tutorial: Enhancing Images; 8.9 Tutorial: Creating a Photo Gallery; 8.10 Tutorial: Using Background Images; Chapter 9: Sprucing Up Your Site''s Navigation; 9.1 Selecting Which Links to Style; 9.2 Styling Links; 9.3 Building Navigation Bars; 9.4 CSS-Style Preloading Rollovers; 9.5 Styling Particular Types of Links; 9.

6 Tutorial: Styling Links; 9.7 Tutorial: Creating a Navigation Bar; Chapter 10: CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations; 10.1 Transforms; 10.2 Transitions; 10.3 Animations; 10.4 Tutorial; Chapter 11: Formatting Tables and Forms; 11.1 Using Tables the Right Way; 11.2 Styling Tables; 11.

3 Styling Forms; 11.4 Tutorial: Styling a Table; 11.5 Tutorial: Styling a Form;Part 3: CSS Page Layout; Chapter 12: Introducing CSS Layout; 12.1 Types of Web Page Layouts; 12.2 How CSS Layout Works; 12.3 Layout Strategies; Chapter 13: Building Float-Based Layouts; 13.1 Applying Floats to Your Layouts; 13.2 Overcoming Float Problems; 13.

3 Tutorial: Multiple-Column Layouts; Chapter 14: Positioning Elements on a Web Page; 14.1 How Positioning Properties Work; 14.2 Powerful Positioning Strategies; 14.3 Tutorial: Positioning Page Elements; Chapter 15: Responsive Web Design; 15.1 Responsive Web Design Basics; 15.2 Setting Up a Web Page for RWD; 15.3 Media Queries; 15.4 Flexible Grids; 15.

5 Fluid Images; 15.6 Responsive Web Design Tutorial; Chapter 16: Using a CSS Grid System; 16.1 How Grids Work; 16.2 Structuring Your HTML for Grids; 16.3 Using the Skeleton Grid System; 16.4 Creating and Naming Columns; 16.5 Tutorial: Using a Grid System; Chapter 17: Modern Web Layout with Flexbox; 17.1 Introducing Flexbox; 17.

2 Flex Container Properties; 17.3 Flex Item Properties; 17.4 Tutorial: Build a Flexbox Layout;Part 4: Advanced CSS; Chapter 18: Improving Your CSS Habits; 18.1 Adding Comments; 18.2 Organizing Styles; 18.3 Eliminating Browser Style Interference; 18.4 Using Descendant Selectors; Chapter 19: More Powerful Styling with Sass; 19.1 What is Sass?; 19.

2 Installing Sass; 19.3 Sass Basics; 19.4 Organizing Your Styles with Sass Partials; 19.5 Sass Variables; 19.6 Nesting Selectors; 19.7 Inheriting (or Extending) Properties; 19.8 Mixins; 19.9 Working with Media Queries; 19.

10 Troubleshooting with CSS Source Maps;Part 5: Appendixes; CSS Property Reference; CSS Values; Text Properties; List Properties; Padding, Borders, and Margins; Backgrounds; Page Layout Properties; Animation, Transform and Transition Properties; Table Properties; Miscellaneous Properties; CSS Resources; References; CSS Help; CSS Tips, Tricks, and Advice; CSS Navigation; CSS Layout; Showcase Sites;.

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