The ART of Trading : A 7-Step Approach for Traders and Investors in the Financial Markets
The ART of Trading : A 7-Step Approach for Traders and Investors in the Financial Markets
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Author(s): McDowell, Bennett A.
ISBN No.: 9781394171743
Pages: 608
Year: 202501
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 103.50
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Introduction ix Acknowledgments xxv Disclaimer xxvii Epigraph xxix Step I: Focus on Reality 1 Chapter 1: Reality Check 3 Chapter 2: Perception Versus Reality 9 Chapter 3: Too Good to Be True? 25 Chapter 4: Price, Volume, and Momentum 31 Chapter 5: Get Down to Business 39 Step II: Develop the Trader's Mindset 49 Chapter 6: Your Mindset 51 Chapter 7: Brain Power 61 Chapter 8: Stress Reduction 73 Chapter 9: Fitness 85 Chapter 10: Nothing to Fear 103 Step III: Implement Risk Management 119 Chapter 11: Risk Management Essentials 121 Chapter 12: Win Ratio and Payoff Ratio 129 Chapter 13: Trade Size Matters 139 Chapter 14: Stop-loss Exit Strategies 149 Chapter 15: Trader's Recordkeeping Forms 157 Step IV: Design Your Trading Rules 169 Chapter 16 The Hardest Rule to Follow 171 Chapter 17 Understanding Financial Markets 181 Chapter 18 Customize Your Rules to You 237 Chapter 19 Your 10 Rules Trading Template 253 Chapter 20 Testing and Proving Your Edge 297 Step V: Scan for Opportunities 305 Chapter 21 Needle in the Haystack 307 Chapter 22 Scanning Strategies 313 Chapter 23 Building Your Watch List 331 Step VI: Manage the Trade 339 Chapter 24: It Ain't Over Till It's Over 341 Chapter 25: Trade Management Strategies 349 Step VII: Debrief the Trade 363 Chapter 26: Learn from History 365 Chapter 27: Debriefing Strategies 375 Epilogue: Trading Is the Perfect Business 389 Appendix A: Advanced Techniques 413 Technique 1: Elliott Wave and Fibonacci 415 Technique 2: Multiple Time Frame Analysis 457 Technique 3: Scaling Out of and Into Trades 475 Appendix B: Resources 483 Resources 1: Brokers, Data Feeds, and More 485 Resources 2: Technology Tips 505 Resources 3: Books, Movies, and Websites 513 About The Website: Online Information Portal 535 Glossary 539 About the Author 565 Index 567.

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