Nick McDonell's "Twelve" created a sensation around the world, establishing its seventeen-year-old author as one of the new and important voices of his generation. "The Third Brother" is his highly anticipated second novel. Mike is a journalist interning in Hong Kong when his editor gives him the assignment: find Christopher Dorr, a brilliant journalist gone AWOL. So begins a propulsive journey that will take a young man headlong through fast nights in Thailand, into the grip of family tragedy, and into the heart of September 11, 2001. Along the way he encounters a kaleidoscope of characters -- the Flying Circus, a hard-living band of journalists trying to expose the Thai government's murderous repression of drug dealers; Tweety, an inexplicably alluring prostitute hungry to leave her world of poverty and desperation; and the third brother, a mysterious, imaginary sibling created by Mike's haunted older brother. "The Third Brother" moves with the speed and purpose of a bullet, offering a devastating portrait of a family caught between love and turmoil, and of a young man stretching to come to terms with his past and to find his future.
The Third Brother