"This little volume is learned, accessible, and delightful to read." -- James B. Prothro, Ave Maria University, Religious Studies Review "Matthews' book is a good, entertaining and highly informative read, coming in a dozen chapters, each about 15 pages in length. The book is discursive in that it offers insight to all who do not comprehend Latin or Ancient Greek." -- Stefan Dollinger, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Journal of Greek Linguistics "More than a book of popularization, this book is a kind of manual for the contemporary linguist, non-specialist of Classics. (translated)" -- Lionel Dumarty, Bryn Mawr Classical Review "The book is a successful introduction to ancient Greek and Roman thinking about language." -- M.L.
Goldman, CHOICE "Matthews has undertaken a massive endeavor and has acquitted himself well. He has not only scrupulously provided refrences to many of the original Greek and Latin texts but has also quoted and translated them -- accurately I might add -- and has used them as points of departure for his analyses, exactly as he should have. That I would beg to differ with him on occasion is only to be expected and does not detract from his accomplishment." -- Daniel J. Taylor, Historiographia Linguistica.