The Chronicles of a Black Man embodies the unique ability to put emotions into words. It is a compilation of intellectually riveting poetry centered around four topics. For women it opens a portal into the inner workings of the masculine mind. It provides her with a bird's-eye view of the male process of interpreting his emotions and the thought process behind their actions. It is a brilliant unorthodox rendition of the often unspoken words of love, sex and relationships. It includes over 60 original pieces of poetry that uses wit and humor to isolate universally shared complex emotions and magnify them in a thought provoking personal way. Several epiphanic moments will be had by readers while reading through these coded messages and uncovering their sometimes hidden meaning. For the shy guy it is a blueprint .
It provides words for thoughts he is often hesitant to express. The poem that speaks to his situation will empower him to act. For the debonair gentleman it's a snapshot of moments captured in his mind's eye. The words on the page will come alive for him in ways only a "Gentleman" would understand. Love, Life, Confrontation, Expressions; Selections from The Chronicles of a Black Man is a pulsating, exciting, page turning phenomenon. It is a definite must read.The reader that deciphers the hidden messages will unlock the secrets to literary heaven.