Barbara Brownell Grogan, currently principal for Rivanna Publishing Ventures, is former editor-in-chief of National Geographic Books and a certified health coach through New York's Institute for Integrative Nutrition. At National Geographic she grew the health line of reference books, with titles including Nature's Medicine , Brainworks , and Medicinal Herbs . She is co-author of 500 Time-Tested Home Remedies and the Science Behind Them , 2013, and editor for USDA's Guide to Infant Nutrition , 2018. Barbara and a team of health writers post a monthly column, The Remedy Chicks, at Erin Smith is a clinical herbalist and ethnobotanist and has been studying medicinal plants for over 25 years. She received her MSc in Ethnobotany with distinction from the University of Kent in Canterbury. She has been an independent consultant since 2010 and has taught internationally on herbal medicine, ethnobotany, and the human/nature relationship for fifteen years.
Healing Herbs Handbook : Recipes for Natural Living