Rides - The rad little kids bookCome cruise with Sunny as she discovers how rides are awesome and come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. This book is intended to accompany a RAD DAD BABY BOARD and helmet just like the gear Sunny is ripping it up with in the book. The baby bonding magic set makes the perfect gift to get fathers and 1 year olds to bond and go on their own adventures. Reading and riding together provide a chance to build an even stronger bond and for the child to develop a sense of outdoor adventure, core strength, balance, and that vital GRIT everyone keeps talking about. We hope you guys have a blast playing together. For an extra adventure, can you find the little red hat on every page?Dad Powered products are created to boost the bond between fathers and their really young kids while building balance, core strength, and grit. We hope you have a ton of fun adventuring with your little ones like we do with ours. RIDES was Published by Dad Powered LLC.
All rights reserved, Copyright 2018ISBN-13: 978-1-986-381154-4ISBN-10: 1-98-638115-3ByRoderick MartinIllustrated byElettra Cudignotto.