Don't throw your money away! Tips for home selling and buying. Some sample articles written recently to help people with their home transactions. By the author of The NEW REAL ESTATE and FLAT-FEE MLS for FSBOs.So you need to sell your home. You may either be in need of all the equity you have in your house, or you may be simply unwilling to pay the commissions that some agents want you to pledge.The secret is to sell your house yourself as an Independent Homeseller, or FSBO, (For-Sale-By-Owner.) But the secret to being able to do that successfully is to be in the Multiple Listing Service, MLS. A Flat Fee MLS Listing can make it happen.
Buy and read this book to get a head start on keeping the money that is yours!Don's easy-going style makes this book very readable and enjoyable. Now with expanded content and re-formatting by the author himself for easier reading!.